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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News

23.03.2015 Z. Pietrzykowski

2nd session of the Sub-committee on Safety of Navigation, Communication and Search and Rescue (NCSR)

1. Plenary session of the NCSR Sub-committee
IMO's Sub-committee on Safety of Navigation, Communication, Search and Rescue held its second session in London between 9.03 - 13.03.2015.
03.03.2015 Z. Pietrzykowski

INC 2015: RIN International Navigation Conference, Manchester

The first International Navigation Conference, organised by London Royal Institute of Navigation, was held between 23-26 February 2015 in Manchester, United Kingdom.
03.03.2015 Beata Guziewicz-Fajdek | Kierownik Dziekanatu Wydziału Nawigacyjnego

The second place for the team of the Faculty of Navigation employees in the Galileo Masters 2014 competition

The second place for the team of employees of the Faculty of Navigation of the Maritime University in Szczecin in the Galileo Masters 2014 - European Satellite Navigation Competition.
17.02.2015 Bogna Bartkiewicz | rzeczniczka prasowa Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

The first habilitation rights at the Faculty of Navigation for the Maritime University of Szczecin

The Faculty of Navigation of our university gained the right to confer the title of doktor habilitowany (habilitated doctor) of technical sciences in the field of transport. Therefore, it is the first Faculty of Navigation in Poland with such rights. Except for the Maritime University of Szczecin, studies at the same faculty are also provided by: Gdynia Maritime University and Polish Naval Academy.
11.02.2015 Konrad Frontczak | Centrum Innowacji

Brokering meetings in Stargard Szczeciński

On Tuesday, 10th February 2015, a huge economic event took place in Stargard Szczeciński, the aim of which was to bring closer the world of business and science.
02.02.2015 Emilia Roszkowska | Centrum Transferu Technologii Morskich

First project within the Horizon 2020 at the Faculty of Economics and Engineering of Transport - congratulations!

The project "NOVELOG - New cooperative business models and guidance for sustainable city logistics", in which our University is represented by the team of Stanislaw Iwan, PhD from the Faculty of EET, was approved for funding by the European Commission within Horizon 2020, the biggest research programme of the EU.
29.01.2015 Bogna Bartkiewicz | rzeczniczka prasowa Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

From an alley of memories (about and for the sea), the latest book by Prof. Aleksander Walczak officially launched.

An official launching of the latest book by Prof Aleksander Walczak From an alley of memories (about and for the sea) will take place on 29th January (Thursday) 2015 at 2.30 pm in the Zdzisław Łaski Lecture Hall.
20.01.2015 Anna Wróbel

More Global Wind Organisation at the Maritime University of Szczecin

GWO is an acronym of the Global Wind Organisation which brings together manufacturers and owners of wind turbines. Its aim is to minimise any accident risk in the wind sector. The organisation has developed its own safety training programme (Basic Safety Training - BST) the completion of which equips a person in a turbine-related job with an ability to appropriately respond in the event of an emergency.
19.12.2014 Biuro Rektora

Maritime University of Szczecin - the new owner of premises at Willowa street

Premises of the former Complex of Technical and Maritime Secondary Schools in Szczecin have become the property of the Maritime University of Szczecin.
08.12.2014 Z. Pietrzykowski

18th International Scientific Conference TransComp 2014.

Officially endorsed by the Rector of the University of Humanities and Technology in Radom, 18th International Scientific Conference entitled "TransComp2014 - Computer support systems for science, industry and transport" was held in Zakopane between 1st and 4th December 2014.
08.12.2014 Bogna Bartkiewicz | rzeczniczka prasowa

We will build a solar-powered boat!

Our university in partnership with a Turkish shipyard is going to build a boat propelled by renewable energy - with a hybrid solar-wind-electric propulsion. The consortium of Maritime University of Szczecin, Warsaw University of Technology, and the Autocomp company from Szczecin were allocated a EUR 1M grant for project implementation. Final assembly, launching and the boat's first cruise are planned to take place in the Marmara Sea in 2016.
04.12.2014 Leszek Chybowski

Visit to the Hasso-Plattner-Institut School of Design Thinking

On Wednesday 3 December 2014 representatives of the Student Science Innovator's Club Ordo ex Chao visited the Hasso-Plattner-Institut School of Design Thinking at Universität Potsdam (D-School).
25.11.2014 Marta Barańska

67th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)

The 67th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee was held in IMO's main office in London in October.
17.11.2014 N. Marchewka

Swimming Championships of the Maritime University of Szczecin

First championships of the Maritime University of Szczecin for amateurs from outside the University Sports Club (AZS) took place in the University's swimming pool on 13th November 2014.
14.11.2014 Izabela Bodus-Olkowska, Zbigniew Pietrzykowski

14th International Scientific Conference themed “Transport Systems Telematics - TST’14”

International scientific conference "Transport Systems Telematics - TST'14" was held between 22-25 October 2014.
12.11.2014 Teresa Sagalska | Dziekanat Nawigacyjny

Public defence of a doctoral dissertation by Pawel Burdziakowski, MSc Eng

Public defence of doctoral dissertation by Paweł Burdziakowski, MSc Eng took place on 5th November 2014. His thesis in geodesy and cartography explored the topic of "Methods of using image data received from a single non-metric digital camera with the objective to define the trajectory of an autonomous flying platform".
09.11.2014 Magdalena Markiewicz

Navigators in the Space Agency

The academics from the Navigation Faculty at the Maritime University of Szczecin succeeded in winning a European research and development competition commissioned by the European Space Agency. Their task now is to investigate and improve the applicability in maritime environment of the EGNOS navigation system which until now was mainly used in aviation.
31.10.2014 Bogna Bartkiewicz | rzeczniczka prasowa Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Exploring Viking sea routes - a lesson in navigation at the National Museum of Szczecin. 

An exhibition "From a solar compass to the DECCA system - history of hyperbolic navigation" was launched on 4th October in the National Museum of Szczecin, located in a building in the nearest vicinity of the Maritime University of Szczecin. It is an interactive exhibition where every visitor - aged 5 to 105 - may try to navigate as a Viking from the 11th century.
30.10.2014 Grzegorz Kozłowski | Chór Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

The Choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin sang 2nd place in Ireland with their eyes closed

The Choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin directed by Sylwia Fabiańczyk-Makuch began the academic year and the art season 2014/2015 with a success. Two days ago the ensemble returned from the International Choral Festival in Derry, Northern Ireland, where they managed to land 2nd place. This is yet another success of the Szczecin choir on the musical map of European art events.
20.10.2014 Maciej Marek | Instytut Geoinformatyki

HYPACK software training

Photo. Participants of the HYPACK training during the lecture
HYPACK software training was held in the Institute of Geoinformatics between 13-15 October 2014. Its participants had an opportunity to attend a lecture on editing and modelling data received from single- and multi- beam sounders and side-sonar.

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