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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News

07.03.2016 Aleksandra Łapko

Green Cities 2016 Conference - Green Logistics for Greener Cities

Photo: Participants of Green Cities 2016 Conference - Green Logistics for Greener Cities    Author: Artur Kujawski
From 02 to 03 March, the second edition of Green Cities Conference was held in Szczecin. There were 70 participants, including world-famous scientists, representatives of city authorities and enterprises operating in the business connected with transport and urban logistics.
29.02.2016 Mgr Anna Wróbel | Starszy Referent ds. Szkoleń

The Marine Rescue Training Centre in 2015 and new directions of cooperation of the Maritime University of Szczecin

The investments made in the previous year by the Marine Rescue Training Centre of the Maritime Academy of Szczecin have borne fruit. The renovation of roofs with gutters, exchange of floors, chairs and desks have not only had influence on better perception of the Centre by course participants whose trainings are now held in more comfortable conditions. Along with adding specialist medical gear and equipment for working at heights to the Centre’s teaching facilities, the investments enabled establishing cooperation in new fields with new entities.
19.02.2016 Janusz Uriasz

The Maritime University at the Polish Academy of Sciences

Photo - Professor Janusz Uriasz in the headquarters of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
On 8 February 2016, Janusz Uriasz, PhD. Eng., professor of the Maritime University was appointed a member of the Committee on Geodesy of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) for the term of office for the years 2016-2020. Appointments of the members for the new term of office were awarded by Professor Antoni Rogalski, Dean of Division IV of Technical Sciences of PAN.
18.02.2016 Zbigniew Pietrzykowski

Project ESABALT – partners’ working meeting and workshop

SIMSA, plenary session
The closing meeting of the project ESABALT (Enhanced Situational Awareness to Improve Maritime Safety in the Baltic) was held on 10 February 2016 in Helsinki, at the headquarters of the National Land Survey of Finland, organized by the Finish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI). The project has been carried out by partners from Finland, Sweden and Poland. The Maritime University of Szczecin is a project partner: a Navigation faculty team of scientists is headed by prof. Zbigniew Pietrzykowski.
09.02.2016 Janusz Uriasz

Maritime University at IMO

Photo 1. Plenary sessions of the HTW Sub-committee.
On 1-5 February 2016 in London, a third meeting of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Sub-committee for Human Factor, Training and Watch-keeping Duties (HTW) took place. The session of the Sub-committee was attended by Prof. Janusz Uriasz, a representative of Poland, and the director of the Institute of Marine Technologies of the Faculty of Navigation at the Maritime University of Szczecin.
05.02.2016 Konrad Fronczak | Centrum Innowacji

Special Purpose Vehicles Alliance in Poznan

On 3-4 February 2016, Poznan University of Economics hosted the presidents and board members of SPVs of universities and institutes across the country. Among the participants there was also the board of the Centre for Innovation at the Maritime University of Szczecin.
12.01.2016 Janusz Uriasz

Maritime University in the Polish Accreditation Committee

On January 11, 2016, Director of the Institute of Marine Technologies Janusz Uriasz PhD. Eng., professor of the Maritime University was appointed a member of the Polish Accreditation Committee (PAK) for the 2016-2019 period.
07.01.2016 Oliwia Pietrzak | Wydział Inżynieryjno-Ekonomiczny Transportu


The Maritime University of Szczecin - Department of Organization and Management and the West Pomeranian Maritime Cluster Association are pleased to invite you to participate in the Scientific Conference:
17.11.2015 Magdalena Markiewicz | Dział ds. Obcokrajowców i Wymiany Międzynarodowej

Guests from the Batumi State Maritime Academy at the Maritime University of Szczecin

Photo by A.Soboń
Between 13-14 November 2015 three representatives from Batumi State Maritime Academy in Georgia visited our University.
09.11.2015 Leszek Chybowski

The Maritime University of Szczecin organised workshops during the Design Thinking Week 2015

This year, the Maritime University of Szczecin organised again workshops developing creative problem solving during the national Design Thinking Week 2015 organised under the auspices of the Top 500 Innovators Association, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Centre for Research and Development, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and the USA Embassy in Poland. The local patronage of the event was taken by the Rector of the Maritime Academy of Szczecin, Prof. DSc. PhD. Eng. Master Mariner Stanisław Gucma. Moreover, our local partners were the Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, the District Office in Police, the Regional Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the West Pomeranian University of Technology, Business Link Szczecin as well as PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A.
03.11.2015 Beata Guziewicz-Fajdek | Kierownik Dziekanatu Wydziału Nawigacyjnego

The 4th Forum on vocational education of surveyors and cartographers

The 4th Forum on vocational education of surveyors and cartographers was held on 22nd October in Warsaw.
13.10.2015 Krystian Pietrzak

“SeaPoint 2015”- the 9th Student Symposium on Logistics and Transport

Student Symposium on Logistics and Transport themed "SeaPoint 2015" will be held from 5th to 6th November 2015 at the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering.
08.10.2015 Z. Pietrzykowski

Working meeting of the ESABALT project partners

On 2 October 2015 in the Maritime University of Szczecin another (third) meeting of the ESABALT (Enhanced Situational Awareness to Improve Maritime Safety in the Baltic) project took place. The project is carried out by partners from Finland, Sweden and Poland.
03.10.2015 Bogna Bartkiewicz | rzeczniczka prasowa

New innovative research laboratory at the Maritime University of Szczecin - the first such laboratory in Poland!

In the new university building in Willowa Street, in the Analysis Centre for Fuels, Working Fluids and Environmental Protection, tests will be carried out e.g. for entities who operate machines in the off- and on-shore business as well as companies and institutions working for environmental protection. The tests will improve their knowledge on fuels, oils and other machine operating fluids.
20.08.2015 Dorota Idziaszczyk | Centrum Transferu Technologii Morskich

The ESABALT project accepted as a flagship project

The ESABALT project implemented by the Faculty of Navigation (under Prof. Zbigniew Pietrzykowski) has been granted the flagship project of the EUSBSR - European Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and was added to the strategy's Action Plan announced in June.
22.07.2015 dr inż. kpt.ż.w. Piotr Wołejsza

Summer school about to begin

After a whole year of learning and gathering experience the students decided to ... continue the process also during their summer holidays. Combining pleasure and business they set out to the Greek island of Chios where, within the project MELES-More Entrepreneurial Life at European Schools, they will attend a two-week course on Entrepreneurship.
16.07.2015 Bożena Górska | Kierownik Sekcji Informacji Naukowej

The 1st award to the Main Library of the Maritime University of Szczecin in the Polish library competition

The jury of the Polish Librarians' Association competition for the most interesting event organised as a part of "The Library Week 2015" programme, awarded prizes to the following libraries:
02.07.2015 mgr inż. Izabela Bodus-Olkowska

Participation in the 16th International Radar Symposium in Dresden

The cyclic international meeting of scientific staff and companies involved in radar issues was held in Dresden in the period 23-26.06.2015. The Maritime University of Szczecin was represented by a large group of scientific staff from the Institute of Geoinformatics: Professor Andrzej Stateczny, Jacek Łubczonek, PhD., Eng., Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka, Msc and Izabela Bodus-Olkowska, Msc.
02.07.2015 mgr inż. Izabela Bodus-Olkowska

The World Hydrography Day in Szczecin

27.06.2015 was the World Hydrography Day. The national celebrations were held for the second time in Szczecin. The main theme was: "Oceans, seas and sailing routes - still waiting for complete examination and cartographic compilation".

The sailors dominate.

After an annual interval and winning of the Polish Cup in 2013, the Maritime University of Szczecin crew went back on water to gain further success.

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