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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News

28.06.2016 Joanna Pleszko | Specjalista ds. Promocji

GRADUATION at the Faculty of Maritime Engineering

On 24 June 2016, students of the Faculty of Maritime Engineering (year 2012/2013) completed their studies. The celebration with participation of the university authorities and employees was held in the Senate Hall.
16.06.2016 Anna Baczyńska | Dział Promocji

New authorities of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities of Technology

The Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities of Technology (KRPUT) was held in the period 6-10 June 2016 in Szczecin. This year the organiser of the meeting was the Maritime University of Szczecin and the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The conference plenary sessions were held at the Maritime University of Szczecin.
14.06.2016 N. Marchewka


"Szalupiada 2016"- the rowing lifeboat regatta traditionally organised by the Department of Physical Culture and Sports and the Academic Sport Association was held on 11.06.2016 in the Marine Rescue Training Centre.
02.06.2016 Grzegorz Kozłowski | Chór Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Success of the Choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin at the Cantat 47 National Choir Contest in Legnica!

In this year's 47th edition of the Legnica Cantat contest, which took place last weekend, the five-person Choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin conducted by Sylwia Fabiańczyk-Makuch won the Golden Diploma, the second place in the general classification and the Prize of the City Mayor of Legnica.
30.05.2016 Paulina Olenkowicz-Królasik | BiuroKarier Akademii Morskiej w Szczecini

1st ERASMUS+ International Staff Training Week

The Maritime University has taken part in international cooperation for many years. The European programmes have a special role within this scope. Therefore, the Career Office of the Maritime University together with the Department of Maritime Issues and Work Placements organised for the first time INTERNATIONAL STAFF TRAINING WEEK, organised as a part of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility International Programme.
27.05.2016 Dorota Chybowska | Centrum Transferu Technologii Morskich

Another Horizon 2020 project at the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering

SCORE - Scoreboard of Competitiveness of European Transport Manufacturing Industry is the title of a Horizon 2020 project which was approved for implementation by the European Commission. One of the project partners is the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering of Maritime University.
27.05.2016 Magdalena Markiewicz | Dział ds. Obcokrajowców i Wymiany Międzynarodowej

Visit of a delegation from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona

Od lewej: Katarzyna Opalińska – Pełnomocnik Rektora ds. Katalonii, Konrad Frontczak – prezes Centrum Innowacji AMS, dr Marcel∙la Castells Sanabra - współpraca naukowa UPC FNB, dr inż. kpt. ż. w. Andrzej Bąk prof. nadzw. AM – Prorektor ds. Morskich, Santiago Ordás Jiménez - Dziekan Wydziału Morskiego (UPC FNB), Elżbieta Wojniłko – Kierownik Działu Nauczania i Certyfikacji, Claudia Barahona Fuentes - Prodziekan Wydziału Morskiego (UPC FNB), dr inż. II of. mech. okr. Piotr Treichel - Prorektor ds. Nauczania, Magdalena Markiewicz – Kierownik Działu ds. Obcokrajowców i Wymiany Międzynarodowej, Ewa Cerebież- Tarabicka – Koordynator Uczelniany programu Erasmus+, Jordi Torralbo Gavilan - kursy i szkolenia w UPC FNB.
In the period 18-21 May this year, MUS was visited by representatives of its strategic foreign partner, i.e. the Faculty of Nautical Studies of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona (Univesitat Politechnica de Catalunya - Facultat Nautica de Barcelona UPC FNB).
21.05.2016 N.Marchewka


On 19th May 2016, as a part of the Juwenalia Student Festival, sport games were held for the Maritime University Students.
17.05.2016 Magdalena Markiewicz | Dział ds. Obcokrajowców i Wymiany Międzynarodowej

Visit of representatives of the Ports Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In the photo, from the left hand side: Edward Święcicki (Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation), Vice-Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin for Maritime Affairs, captain Jamal Farhat Al Ghamdi, engineer Mohammed Al Jandoul, Vice-Rector for Education of the Maritime University of Szczecin.
On 11/05/2016 our University was visited by a two-person delegation of the representatives of the Ports Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia composed of engineer Mohammed Al Jandoul and captain Jamal Farhat Al Ghamdi. The visit was a part of the session of the 3rd Polish-Saudi Committee for Bilateral Cooperation. The Maritime University of Szczecin was recommended by the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation as an important point of the study visit of a maritime economy working group.
13.05.2016 AZS AM Szczecin


As a part of celebrating the Day of our University, on 11.05.2015, the Department of Physical Education and Sport and the Academic Sports Association prepared recreation and sport competitions for students and employees which made the open-air picnic more attractive. Everyone could take part in five competitions that required not only sports skills but also cleverness, patience and luck.

The Maritime University of Szczecin with positive recommendation for conducting dynamic positioning trainings

The Maritime University of Szczecin obtained a positive recommendation for conducting dynamic positioning (DP) trainings following a re-accreditation visit of the Nautical Institute (NI) representatives from London from 4 to 5 April (re-accreditation letter received on 19 April).
27.04.2016 Dorota Curzydło | SNJO

Significant linguistic success of 1st year Navigation students

The 16th National English Contest for Higher Technical Schools
27.04.2016 dr inż. Maciej Gucma | Centrum Inżynierii Ruchu Morskiego

Success of the Shooting Sport Section of the University Sport Association Club of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Students of the Maritime University of Szczecin took part in the University Sport Association Championships in two categories: pneumatic pistol and pneumatic rifle.
26.04.2016 Grzegorz Kozłowski | Chór Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Victory of the Choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin in Bratislava

At the 11th "Slovakia Cantat" International Choral Festival in Bratislava, the Choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin took the 1st place in two categories, won the Grand Prix and the chorus conductor – Sylwia Fabiańczyk-Makuch – received the prize for the best conductor.
26.04.2016 Paweł Zalewski | Dyrektor Centrum Inżynierii Ruchu Morskiego

Application and e-learning course for Konsberg Maritime prepared by the Maritime University of Szczecin

In 2015, the scientific and research team of employees from the Marine Traffic Engineering Centre developed an e-learning application for K-Bridge and K-Nav ECDIS systems for Konsberg Maritime AS. Information concerning this topic has been widely spread in the navigation environment by the popular magazine and website - Marine Electronics.
13.04.2016 Bogna Bartkiewicz rzeczniczka prasowa Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

New Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin for the 2016-2020 term of office

Wojciech Ślączka, PhD, Mater Mariner, Professor of the Maritime University was elected the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin for the 2016-2020 term of office by the University Electoral College at the election meeting on 12.04.2016. The 2016-2020 term of office will commence on 1.09.2016 and finish on 31.08.2020. We would like to congratulate the Rector Elect and wish him successful implementation of his plans for the future term of office.
05.04.2016 Katarzyna Biniek

The degree of a habilitated doctor in the field of technical sciences conferred

On 23rd March 2016, Katarzyna Żelazny, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Maritime Technology and Transport of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin was awarded with the research degree of a habilitated doctor in the field of technical sciences, discipline of transport by the Council of the Faculty of Navigation of the Maritime University of Szczecin. These were the first habilitation proceedings conducted at the Faculty of Navigation.
01.04.2016 K.Biniek

Public defence of a doctoral dissertation in the field of technical sciences, discipline of transport by Łukasz Lemieszewski, MSc

On 23rd March 2016, at the Faculty of Navigation Łukasz Lemieszewski, MSc successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in the field of technical sciences, discipline of transport, entitled "A Method of Detecting Spoofing of Global Satellite Navigation Systems in the Aspect of Transport Security". The dissertation was written under supervision of Professor Evgeny Ochin, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Navigation, Maritime Academy of Szczecin.
30.03.2016 Grzegorz Kozłowski | Chór Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

New video clip of the Choir of Maritime University of Szczecin

The Choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin conducted by Sylwia Fabiańczyk- Makuch proudly present their new video clip for the song "Paradise", originally performed by Coldplay. The clip was recorded during their last stay on Malta, where the group also participated in the 22nd International Choir Festival winning two Golden Diplomas.
17.03.2016 Z. Pietrzykowski P. Zalewski

3rd session of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation, Communication, Search and Rescue (NCSR) of the International Maritime Organization.

Plenary session
From 29 February to 4 March 2016, the 3rd session of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation, Communication, Search and Rescue (NCSR) of the International Maritime Organization was held in London.

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