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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

In the period 18-21 May this year, MUS was visited by representatives of its strategic foreign partner, i.e. the Faculty of Nautical Studies of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona (Univesitat Politechnica de Catalunya - Facultat Nautica de Barcelona UPC FNB).

The delegation was composed of Santiago Ordás Jiménez - the Dean of the Faculty, Claudia Barahona Fuentes - Vice-Dean of the Faculty responsible for international cooperation, Marcella Castells Sanabra responsible for scientific cooperation of the faculty and Jordi Torralbo Gavilan responsible for courses and trainings at UPC.

Visit full of events

The delegation from Barcelona got acquainted with the research and educational infrastructure, openly expressing their appreciation for our simulators, research equipment and software. Towards the end of their stay in Poland, the guests also visited the Maritime University Training Centre in Kołobrzeg. In the meantime, the delegation held a series of talks with the authorities and the employees of our University as regards extending our cooperation, e.g. by launching a joint degree programme, initially on the doctoral level and, later, also on the master’s degree level. The guests also participated in Spanish Day at our University and gave a presentation on their university, Barcelona and, shortly, about Spain to MUS students who learn Spanish language. Except for the guests’ presentations and discussions with them, our students also had an opportunity to take part in language tandems and a quiz on Spain.

The overall atmosphere of the UPC visit to our University was friendly and cooperation-enhancing and even the changeable spring weather was favourable in underlining best qualities of our city and the region. We hope that the visit of our partners from Barcelona will bring tangible results and intensive work will soon begin on joint degree programmes.

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