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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska


Incoming students

University Campus

Accommodation for students

University Sports Club

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Business and technology transfer

Intellectual Property Rights and research & development


Discussion on cooperation between research, science and business at NCC

Rectors of West Pomeranian universities and business representatives discussed cooperation between science and business. The Student Clubs Competition was also concluded.

Christmas and New Year’s wishes from MUS Rector

Best wishes for the Christmas season and the New Year from the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin Wojciech Ślączka

M/s Nawigator XXI seized by terrorists - large-scale training exercise held on MUS

Between 8 and 10 November, extensive rescue and anti-terrorism training exercise were held at MUSTC Offshore Training Centre and in the waters of the Szczecin Lagoon

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