Rectors of West Pomeranian universities and business representatives discussed cooperation between science and business. The Student Clubs Competition was also concluded.

| Research science and business side by side
The North Chamber of Commerce in Szczecin hosted another meeting called Cooperation of Science, Research and Business. The previous meeting of this kind was held a year ago. During this year's event, the rectors of West Pomeranian universities and business representatives discussed, among other things, the opportunities and benefits of cooperation between these two environments. Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Andrzej Szeptycki was a special guest at the event.They focused on strengthening the possibilities of cooperation between university researchers and entrepreneurs, the difficulties that stand in the way and ways to overcome them.
The discussion was joined by MUS Rector Wojciech Ślączka, who emphasised the importance of the offshore industry in the economy and told how the training of specialists for this market is carried out at the Maritime University of Szczecin.

The discussion also included topics whether the knowledge and know-how developed by scientists are used by local business partners, whether entrepreneurs are willing to use the initiatives of the world of science to diversify their activities, how universities respond to economic changes and how these changes translate into their priorities.
| Awards for students
Awards were also presented to students in the 2nd edition of the ‘The future is green’ National Competition of Student Scientific Clubs organised by NCC. Once again, 1st place went to MUS student Klaudia Jóźwicka, who presented a paper entitled. ‘A Sustainable Perspective of the Modern City’. The 1st place prize was a PLN 1,500 voucher for purchases in the Euro RTV AGD (electronics and home appliances) store, a voucher for participation in the 4th Baltic Economic Congress, and an internship in the Polish Steamship Company.Prizes also went to students of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin and the Koszalin University of Technology - congratulations to all awarded!