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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News

07.11.2013 Natalia Dominiak


07.11.2013 Justyna Cejrowska | BiuroKarier Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Summary of the third edition of internships organized by the MUS Careers Office

The third and final edition of the student internships carried out under the project Development and promotion of technical studies at the Maritime University of Szczecin has just been completed. This year, in eleven leading companies related to the maritime industry and the TSL branch from Szczecin, 16 trainees took their first professional steps.
06.11.2013 Bogna Bartkiewicz | rzecznik prasowy Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Maritime University of Szczecin together with the Technical University of Catalonia

photo: The intent letter has just been signed
Our University will start cooperation with the Technical University of Catalonia in Barcelona (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
06.11.2013 Grzegorz Kozłowski | Chór Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

10th anniversary of the Maritime University Choir

This year the Choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin, conducted by Sylvia Fabiańczyk – Makuch, celebrates its 10th anniversary.
05.11.2013 Beata Guziewicz-Fajdek | Kierownik Dziekanatu Wydziału Nawigacyjnego Akademia Morska w Szczecinie

13th International Conference - Transport Systems Telematics

On 23-26 October 2013 in Katowice – Ustron, took place the 13th International Conference on Transport Systems Telematics, organized by the Faculty of Transport, Silesian University of Technology.
04.11.2013 rzecznik prasowy Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie | Bogna Bartkiewicz

Sign up for ZIP–Integrated Patient Guidebook

The West Pomeranian branch of the NFZ–National Health Fund invites staff and students of the Maritime University of Szczecin to open their ZIP accounts.
01.11.2013 Dział Promocji | Bogna Bartkiewicz

New training and research projects of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Our university will create a modern, Poland's only integrated training centre for maritime salvage and Scientific Research Centre for seaborne objects operation. Investments will be purchased in the city area.
01.11.2013 rzecznik prasowy Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie | Bogna Bartkiewicz

Doctor Honoris Causa for the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Professor Stanislaw Gucma, Master Mariner, received Doctor Honoris Causa title awarded by the Senate of the State Technical University of Kaliningrad by the decision of 26 March 2013.
31.10.2013 Dział Promocji | Joanna Pleszko

Maritime University of Szczecin in Podkarpacie

On 5-8 November 2013, representatives of the three faculties of the Maritime University of Szczecin will participate in educational meetings in Podkarpacie.
30.10.2013 Justyna Cejrowska | BiuroKarier Maritime University

Workshops ‘MUS Students at the labour market‘ - recruitment

We invite students and graduates (up to 6 months from their diploma defence) to a workshop ‘MUS Student at the labour market’
30.10.2013 Konrad Frontczak

Results of the Competition: Design a wall calendar for MUS 2014

Please note that a committee of our university departments such as CTTM, BK, DP, DN, has decided to grant one distinction award for the work entitled Together towards a common goal. The creator of the work is Michal Migacz, a first-year computer science student at the Faculty of Navigation. At the same time the committee decided not to recommend any work as a model for a wall calendar for MUS 2014.
28.10.2013 Joanna Pleszko Dział Promocji

Representatives of the St. Petersburg State Transport University at the Maritime University of Szczecin

Maritime University of Szczecin staff and students are actively involved in youth exchange project under the auspices of the Centre for Polish - Russian Dialogue and Understanding.
22.10.2013 dr inż. Paweł Zalewski | Dyrektor Centrum Inżynierii Ruchu Morskiego

The second edition of the City Games ‘Decode the Funds’

An hour and 23 seconds needed a winning team to beat the field phase of the second edition of the City Games ‘Decode the funds’. At the start of the finals were as many as 13 teams, in a total number of 39 players.
16.10.2013 Konrad Frontczak

Notice! Competition extended by one week till Monday, 21/10/2013, 12:00

We invite students and staff of the Maritime University of Szczecin to participate in a competition ‘Design a wall calendar for MUS 2014’
10.10.2013 ITM | Piotr Borkowski

Entrepreneurial scientists of the Maritime University of Szczecin!

Navigational decision support system for a marine vessel (NAVDEC) is an innovation on a global scale, developed by the staff of the Faculty of Navigation, Maritime University of Szczecin. In October 2013 the scientists set up the Sup4Nav Company to implement the innovative system in production. The works on the invention development will be held in Technopark Pomerania, which within the incubation program will provide the new company with business support.
09.10.2013 WIET

The ceremony of naming a lecture hall of WIET in the honor of Professor Krzysztof Chwesiuk

The Dean and the Council of the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering, Maritime University of Szczecin, invite all employees to attend the ceremony of naming a lecture hall of WIET at Szczerbcowa 4 in the honor of Professor Krzysztof Chwesiuk. The celebration will be held on 14.10.2013.
07.10.2013 Justyna Cejrowska, Careers Office, Maritime University of Szczecin

Careers Office invites students to the workshops ‘Communication in the workplace and beyond ... ‘

We invite MUS students to a free training ‘Communication in the workplace and beyond ‘, designed for people willing to improve their communication skills in the context of building relationships in the future workplace .
03.10.2013 Bogna Bartkiewicz | rzecznik prasowy Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Recruitment and inauguration of the academic year 2013/2014 at the Maritime University of Szczecin

This year, the Maritime University of Szczecin inaugurated the academic year 2013/2014 as the first one in the region. About 4 300 students, including more than 1100 freshmen, started their education.
03.10.2013 Remigiusz Wałejko | Starszy specjalista Centrum Transferu Technologii Morskich

100 million PLN from the EU for the Maritime University of Szczecin !

On October 1 the Maritime University launched the 50th project funded by the European Union over the last 10 years. The total value of the projects amounted to about 100 million PLN!
02.10.2013 Marcin Przywarty | Zakład Urządzeń Nawigacyjnych Instytut Inżynierii Ruchu Morskiego

Study visit to Stavanger

On 17-19 September 2013, was held a study visit to Stavanger, combined with a conference on the current situation of the LNG market in the southern Baltic Sea.

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