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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

Our university will create a modern, Poland's only integrated training centre for maritime salvage and Scientific Research Centre for seaborne objects operation. Investments will be purchased in the city area.

The notarial deed for the sale of three parcels at Dębogórska street in Szczecin (with a total area of 9 494 m2) was signed by the rector of the Maritime University, Professor Stanislaw Gucma, Master Mariner and the president of the city of Szczecin, Piotr Krzystek on 29th October 2013. I am glad that the president supports the initiatives of our university aiming at creating the centre in our city, due to which we shall provide training of seafarers at the global level which means constant development of the Maritime University of Szczecin - said Rector Gucma.

On the above mentioned area there will be implemented two projects:


The unit will be an important landmark on the international training centres map - enabling maritime personnel training both at home and abroad, acquiring new qualifications without incurring the high costs of foreign training. The purpose of the centre will be maritime education and lifelong learning, providing qualifications for the work in the maritime sector, as well as education in the field of environmental protection, safety, rescue and crisis management. All training courses will be conducted in accordance with the standards of international maritime organizations. They will include the range of training for employees of LNG terminals and ships to transport liquefied gas, fire fighting, oil spills, contamination of the environment and sea and inland shipping rescue, as well as emergency medical services.

The investment will include the position for the drills in abandoning a ship, platform, offshore installations, fighting fires and oil spills, water area for launching and rescue practice with the use of a helicopter simulator and rescue vessels equipment or emergency measures, submersible and blaze-smoky chambers to release the flooded and smoky rooms and fight fires; it shall be a testing ground for practical exercises with access to boating and teaching facilities (chemical, medical and fire fighting laboratories).


The plan is to build the research and teaching laboratories using modern techniques and technologies also for conducting classes through e-learning and hydraulic engineering laboratory (20m x 40m pool) for hydrodynamic studies allowing the research with the use of large-scale models of ships: tankers, ro –ro vessels, tugs, oil rigs.

When realizing its tasks, the centre will use modern functional and architectural solutions, innovative research and teaching tools, cutting-edge equipment and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). All laboratories will be equipped with up to date workstations and high-tech multimedia equipment (including LCD work tops, 3D manipulators), which will enable the use of the virtual library, e-learning courses (including other universities) and building knowledge bases.

New facilities of the Maritime University of Szczecin (for both of them have already been issued building permits) will conduct investments meeting the requirements of maritime education and lifelong learning for emergency services, security, maritime surveillance, crisis management and response to maritime and public safety. In the areas that we are selling to the Maritime University there will arise centres, we will be able to boast about on the world arena, it will also be our city showcase - commented Piotr Krzystek.

At the request of the Maritime University of Szczecin, the land property at Dębogórska street was prepared for sale without tender. On 28 January 2013, the Council of the City of Szczecin passed a resolution on approval of the sale of the property with a 99% discount of the sales price, in relation to the property intended for educational, scientific research development and non – profit pedagogical activities.

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