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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

Professor Stanislaw Gucma, Master Mariner, received Doctor Honoris Causa title awarded by the Senate of the State Technical University of Kaliningrad by the decision of 26 March 2013.

The title of Doctor Honoris Causa was confirmed to Professor Gucma for his significant contributions to the development of international relations of the State Technical University of Kaliningrad and Polish universities in the field of science and higher education. The Diploma was handed in by the rector of the University of Kaliningrad - Prof. W. A. Wołkogon. Rector Gucma gave a lecture on contemporary problems of marine traffic engineering.

The ceremony took place on 25 September 2013 during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the State Technical University of Kaliningrad and personnel training in the field of fishery as well as a scientific conference Innovations 2013.

State Technical University of Kaliningrad - 100th anniversary of the university In 1913, Tsar Nicholas 1st called the Faculty of Fishery and Fish Processing at the Moscow Agricultural Academy. In the 1930s an independent Mosrybwtuz college, based on the faculty, was opened and at the end of the 1950s moved to Kaliningrad as Kaliningrad Technical Institute, which in the 1990s received the status of the State Technical University (KGTU).
Professor Stanislaw Gucma, Master Mariner- Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin

Professor Stanislaw Gucma is a graduate of the Institute of Technology in Kaliningrad. In 1977 he received a PhD degree in the discipline of surveying and mapping, and in 1992 he did postdoctoral degree in the discipline of transport at the Technical University of Gdansk. In the same year he became Master Mariner. By the resolution of 15 March 2002 he was confirmed the title of professor of technical sciences.

Professor Gucma is the creator of the first Polish school of marine traffic engineering, at the same time being the author of 11 books and over 170 publications concerning the above mentioned subject. He supervised over 120 research projects - the results of most of them have been implemented in the Polish and other EU countries economy. Research works of Professor Gucma concern, inter alia, largest offshore investments of our country - for example, the construction of the LNG terminal in Swinoujscie and the reconstruction of the entrance to the port of Kolobrzeg and Leba .

He has been a member of Transport Committee of the Polish Academy of Science, the Academy of Engineering in Poland, and Russia’s Transport Committee.

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