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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News

24.07.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Szalupiada 2010 !!!!

On Saturday, 12.06.2010, the flag event of the University Sports Club /AZS and SWFiS/ - SZALUPIADA was held at the Marine Rescue Training Center at Ludowa str. The races between 10 competing crews of our university and not only were honored by the presence of Vice Rector for Science, Przemysław Rajewski PhD, Chief Engineer, Prof. Zofia Jóźwiak, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering and Prof. J Jerzy Hajduk, Master Mariner, Dean of the Faculty of Navigation. This year, after the interfaculty races the challenge cup has gone to the Faculty of Marine Engineering crew, coached by Artur Jankowiak, MA right before the crews of FETE/ WIET coached by Wojciech Jaśkiewicz, MA and the Faculty of Navigation led by Norbert Marchewka, MA.
21.07.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Solemn consolidation of the sports academic year

On 31.05.2010 in the Senate Hall of the Maritime University of Szczecin, a solemn consolidation of the sports academic year 2009/2010 was held. At the meeting, organized by the Board of the Student Sports Club and the Center of Sport and Physical Education, Vice-Rector for Education, Przemyslaw Rajewski, PhD, Chief Eng, thanked students and their coaches for their contribution to the development of the University sports. The Rector acknowledged that it had been a busy year with numerous cups and medals won at school, city, provincial and all-Poland sporting events proving high level of the Maritime University sports, and students who manage to find time for trainings being the pride of the University.
21.07.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

3rd edition of the competition for the best thesis and dissertation

Regional Center of Innovation and Technological Transfer of ZUT (West Pomeranian University of Technology) in Szczecin (RCIiTT ZUT) has announced the 3rd edition of the competition for the best thesis and dissertation. Have you just graduated and about to set your own company? Would you like to know how to make money on your thesis results and what’s more get a reward? Don’t wait! Apply for the competition and win a professional training in Poland or abroad worth of up to 15.000 PLN.

Recruitment for post-graduate studies: Management and Auditing in Natural Environment

The Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering has just announced recruitment for the 3rd edition of post-graduate studies Management and Auditing in Natural Environment. Deadline of submitting applications: 09.10.2010 All information available at the secretary office; tel: 91 48 09 646 or 91 48 09 640;
21.06.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

“LOGISTICS” –a new study field of the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering

We take the pleasure to inform that due to the decision of the State Accreditation Commission, on 11.06.2010, the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering was conferred the right to launch the study field of LOGISTICS.
21.06.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

West Pomeranian Nobel Awards 2009

Profesor Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, MU staff worker, has been awarded with the West Pomeranian Nobel Award 2009 in the field of marine sciences for his innovative work on marine traffic safety including decision supporting navigational system with artificial intelligence elements.
10.06.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Maritime University of Szczecin will pay its students

Since March 2011, for the next three years, 50 MU students will be well paid ( 5700 PLN gross) for their 3 month traineeship at their potential employers, which is to be co-financed by EU from the European Social Fund. Details of terms and requirements of the apprenticeship admittance will be set by each company individually. Nevertheless, it will be possible only when the obligatory condition of getting all the last semester signatures and passing all exams is fulfilled.
10.06.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Open Days of Maritime University of Szczecin

During Szczecin Days of the Sea, the Maritime University welcomes to Open Days of Maritime University of Szczecin on11-13.06.2010 (Friday to Sunday) - an opportunity to get to know the University from inside out, touring round scientific and research rooms of all faculties, learning about study courses at one of the EU best maritime universities. Visiting the University will be possible every 30 minutes in organized groups.
26.05.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

The State Maritime Conference

On 21.05.2010, at the Maritime University of Szczecin, the State Maritime Conference, organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure in cooperation with the Maritime University of Szczecin, was held.
25.05.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

International distinction for the Maritime University of Szczecin

Maritime University of Szczecin received an AWARD CERTIFICATE for the best debut of the academic year 2008/2009, conferred by London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), authorizing our University to conduct examinations for students of the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering.

The 4th all-Poland Transport/Logistic Seminar

Traditionally, Scientific Association of Transport and Logistics of Maritime University of Szczecin organized the 4th all-Poland Transport/Logistic Seminar ( 06-08.05.22010).
19.05.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Maritime University of Szczecin best in the region!

According to “Wprost”, a weekly magazine, Maritime University has been classified on the 8th position in the ranking of the best Polish higher education institutions.

European Maritime Day 2010

On 21.05.2010, there will be held Maritime Conference-Seminar devoted to the Republic of Poland’s maritime policy organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure in cooperation with the Maritime University of Szczecin. The conference is the key point of celebrating the European Maritime Day (EMD) in Szczecin from 20-22.05.2010.

An agreement signed between AGH University of Science and Technology of Krakow and the Maritime University of Szczecin.

On 29.04.2010, AGH University of Science and Technology of Krakow and the Maritime University of Szczecin signed an agreement on leading common post-graduate studies.

Holiday of the Maritime University of Szczecin

At the Maritime University of Szczecin Senate meeting on 28.04.2010 the date of 28 of April has been unanimously declared as Holiday of the Maritime University of Szczecin.

„Maritime University Careers Office has just announced the 3rd Photographic Competition

„Maritime University Careers Office has just announced the 3rd Photographic Competition „Maritime University: not only study, not only work…Passion on camera”

Maritime University of Szczecin hosted a delegation of the Murmansk State Technical University

From 11.04.-14.04.2010 Maritime University of Szczecin hosted a delegation of the Murmansk State Technical University.The Rector of the Murmansk State Technical University, Prof. Alexander Ershov and the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Prof Stanisław Gucma, Master Mariner have signed an agreement on cooperation in the fields of science, didactics and scientific-technical information as well as scientific/ research and teaching staff and students’ exchange.

On 16.03.2010 the Maritime University of Szczecin and Polish LNG signed an agreement on setting up the European Training Center LNG.

Diversity of gas supply to Poland in reference to the policy of “the state power energy until 2030” appears the priority.
03.03.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Maritime University in the Senate of the Republic of Poland

90th anniversary of Poland’s regaining access to the Baltic Sea, the Senate of the Republic of Poland, 25.02.2010.

In 2010 Maritime University of Szczecin will start as many as 3 projects within priority IV “Higher education and science” of the Human Resources Operational Program.

Not only UM, but also other university students and staff will benefit from the projects worth over 6.5 million PLN.

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