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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News

31.01.2011 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Marine Officers Training Center is launching a course for ‘MARINE ELECTRICIAN/AUTOMATIC CONTROL ENGINEER’

On 24.01. 2011 we have started a course for marine electrician/automatic control engineers. If you want to raise your qualifications and get most demanded skills in the maritime job market, you are welcome to join in; the enrollment deadline is 24.02.2011. Contact: Agnieszka Śmigielska, tel. 91 48 09 715.
24.01.2011 Administrator Stron Internetowych

First edition of a course for sailors

On 8-9 01.2011 the 1st edition of a course for sailors was launched.
24.01.2011 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Your last chance for an international certificate financed by EU!

If you are willing to get an international certificate of European Junior Logistician or a confirmation of your operational skills of AutoCAD, this is your last chance to apply for trainings organized by the Maritime University of Szczecin and financed by EU.
17.01.2011 Administrator Stron Internetowych

The Faculty of Marine Engineering announces the winter enrollment for the 1st year of the 1st degree regular studies.

The Faculty of Marine Engineering of the Maritime University of Szczecin announces the winter enrollment for the 1st year of the 1st degree (engineer) regular studies of the 2010/2011.
12.01.2011 Administrator Stron Internetowych

The third travel of the MRTC’s lecturers to Denmark.

The Marine Rescue Training Centre for the third time sent its lecturers to Denmark. On 07.-08.01.2011 the lecturers trained the group of English speaking trainees during Personal Survival Techniques course. 13 participants, who took a part in that course, firstly got to know the personal and collective rescue means of the ship and became familiar with the theory of the techniques of rescuing the castaways and evacuation of people from the ship. After the theoretical part, the trainees had the practical drills in the open water. The lecturers gave each participant a textbook in English, that would help them to preserve their knowledge.
06.01.2011 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Ecumenical concert of carols at the Maritime Church

On 13.01.2011 at 19:00, at the Maritime Church at Świętego Ducha 9, a carol repertoire shall be presented by:
17.12.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Columbus Shipmanagement GmbH is waiting for scholarship applicants

Columbus Shipmanagement GmbH is waiting for scholarship applicants. Successful 2nd year students of Navigational and Mechanical Engineering Faculties may apply for a scholarship funded by the ship owner. Applications should be sent to the Department of Maritime Affairs and On-board Practice (room 11) till 07.01.2011.
16.12.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

InterSTUDENT 2010: the competition for the best foreign student

The Educational Foundation Perspectives has just launched a second edition of the competition for the best foreign student: InterSTUDENT 2010, addressed to foreign students as well as those with double citizenships of the 1st, 2nd and PhD levels studying at the Polish universities.
04.12.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Maritime University Table Tennis Championships

The end of the calendar year is the time of struggling for many sports sections. After the ergo-meter competition, it was the time to select the best table tennis players.
29.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Stefano Terrazzino visiting the Maritime University of Szczecin

On 21-22.11.2010, at the MU of Szczecin, Dancing Workshops organized due to a choregrapher, Agnieszka Dolecka, and led by Stefano Terrazzino, enabled our students not only to get to know an outstanding choreographer, but also to acquire new skills.
26.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

The ‘Ambasador’ Event

Are you willing to participate in a paid ‘Ambassador’ event, travelling to schools to promote the Maritime University of Szczecin during the Christmas break?
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Enrollment at the WIET Faculty for the 2nd degree of regular and extramural studies of the field of TRANSPORT

The Faculty Recruitment Commission announces the enrollment at the WIET Faculty for the 2nd degree of regular and extramural studies of the field of TRANSPORT, course of Integrated Transport Systems, for the academic year 2010/2011.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Maritime mining – an innovation supporting economic expansion of our country

The Faculty of Navigation of the Maritime University of Szczecin and the Faculty of Mining and Geo-engineering of AGH University of Science and Technology of Krakow are just launching education in the field of maritime mining. According to the agreement, the AGH shall provide instruction concerning mining while the MU will deal with navigation, vessel traffic and safety procedures at sea.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Go – carting University Championships of the West Pomeranian Province

On 23.10.2010, at the Go – Carting Race track at Wojska Polskiego, the 1st Go – Carting University Championships of the West Pomeranian Province, organized by KU AZS of the University of Szczecin as well as the OŚ of Szczecin, was held. The contestants raced in three categories: student, team and as university authority category, which revealed that the best one appeared the representative of the MU authorities- the Vice dean of the Faculty of Marine Engineering, Piotr Treichel, PhD.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Fire fighting training for Bridgestone Company Ltd

For the first time the Marine Rescue Training Center of the Maritime University of Szczecin has conducted a specialist training of fire fighting protection for Bridgestone Company Ltd. from Japan.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Information of Szczecińsko-Kamieńska Curia

We kindly inform that the Archbishop Szczecińsko-Kamieński Andrzej Dzięga set up a new office – University Chaplaincy. Its objective is social work e.g. pastoral help to student community members in various life situations, coordinating pastoral activity with significant university events as well as passing information about the possibilities of joining university chaplaincy on the territory of the Szczecińsko-Kamieńska Archdiocese. The Maritime University of Szczecin chaplain has been appointed Rev. Marcin Młodawski, MA.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

The basic objective of „LNG Transport and Terminal Operation”

The basic objective of „LNG Transport and Terminal Operation” studies is instructing and preparing the staff of engineers for the work on transport, machinery, re-gasification systems, storage and LNG transfer related positions. Its main focus is to equip the students with knowledge and skills concerning e.g. fundamentals of cryogenics, physics/chemistry of liquefied gases, heat exchangers, industrial automation, net gas and LNG transport as well as technological processes connected with LNG industry in its broad sense and safe terminal operation.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Festival victory of the Maritime University Choir

The choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin directed by Sylwia Fabiańczyk – Makuch became the first prize winner at the 13th International Religious Music Festival named after Rev. Stanisław Ormiński in Rumia.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Training-research ship m/v Nawigator XXI FELB training for Bernhard Schulte Ship-management

On 13.10.2010, it is the 59th training carried out for Bernhard Schulte Ship-management by Marine Rescue training Center, meant for both deck and engine staff. The objective of the courses organized by OSRM since 2007 is to increase ships’ crews safety and decision making process while evacuation in distress situations. During the courses trainees get instructed about the proper conduct when getting into the boat, which seats to occupy and what safety measures to comply with in order to maintain the launched boat stability.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Enrollment at the WIET Faculty for the 2nd degree of regular and extramural studies of the field of TRANSPORT

Enrollment at the WIET Faculty for the 2nd degree of regular and extramural studies of the field of TRANSPORT, course of Integrated Transport Systems, has just been started and will last till 21.02.2011. The recruitment rules available at MU website and the Faculty dean’s office.

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