If you are willing to get an international certificate of European Junior Logistician or a confirmation of your operational skills of AutoCAD, this is your last chance to apply for trainings organized by the Maritime University of Szczecin and financed by EU.
The last out of 20 trainings, realized within the project: ‘Authorized AutoCAD trainings’ starts in the beginning of February. It’s the same with the 5th, the last, training within the project ‘European Logistician’, which can be applied for till January, 21st.
The trainings can be attended exclusively by owners and employees of small and very small companies. What’s essential, the participants shall cover only 20% of the training cost with the rest financed by EU, attending weekend classes. For those from outside Szczecin accommodation available at very low rate.
For numerous positions like architects, designers, engineers and others dealing with technical drawing, familiarization of AutoCAD appears indispensible, whereas the knowledge of logistics is necessary in the branches of sales, production and distribution. Holders of the certificates proving the above mentioned skills are highly appreciated both on domestic and foreign job market.
For more information on enrollment refer to: www.autocad.szczecin.pl and www.europejski-logistyk.pl. Most welcome training participants shall be women.