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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News

09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Festival victory of the Maritime University Choir

The choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin directed by Sylwia Fabiańczyk – Makuch became the first prize winner at the 13th International Religious Music Festival named after Rev. Stanisław Ormiński in Rumia.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Training-research ship m/v Nawigator XXI FELB training for Bernhard Schulte Ship-management

On 13.10.2010, it is the 59th training carried out for Bernhard Schulte Ship-management by Marine Rescue training Center, meant for both deck and engine staff. The objective of the courses organized by OSRM since 2007 is to increase ships’ crews safety and decision making process while evacuation in distress situations. During the courses trainees get instructed about the proper conduct when getting into the boat, which seats to occupy and what safety measures to comply with in order to maintain the launched boat stability.
09.11.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Enrollment at the WIET Faculty for the 2nd degree of regular and extramural studies of the field of TRANSPORT

Enrollment at the WIET Faculty for the 2nd degree of regular and extramural studies of the field of TRANSPORT, course of Integrated Transport Systems, has just been started and will last till 21.02.2011. The recruitment rules available at MU website and the Faculty dean’s office.
15.10.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Are you proud of your university?

Would you like to share it with others? Do you want to make it known? Are you persuasive and good at making contacts? Why don’t you join the group - a “visiting card” of the Maritime University of Szczecin? The Promotion Department of the MU of Szczecin invites you to join The Student Promotional Group. Our first, organizational, meeting in the Hall of Tradition, the main building, at Wały Chrobrego 1-2, on 20.10.2010 (Wednesday) at 16:00
08.10.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Solemn Inauguration Ceremony of the 2010/2011

We invite to the photo coverage of the Inauguration Ceremony of the 2010/2011 academic year.
08.10.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Trainings in logistics for company workers

Maritime University of Szczecin invites to trainings in logistics.ktualnosci/news_2010_10_08/br_news.jpg" />
06.10.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Fishing practice on board the m/t Franek Zubrzycki III, a training/fishing vessel

This year, third year students of the Sea Fishery had their fishing practice on the m/t Franek Zubrzycki III, owned by the Complex of Marine Schools in Darlowo.
29.09.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Create a network of centers of excellence for maritime training

Poland is the leader of a flag project “Create a network of centers of excellence for maritime training” (creating nets of certified centers of excellence for integrated maritime training) realized within the framework of the Strategy for the Southern Baltic Region.
28.09.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

NOTICE TO THE 1st YEAR STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF NAVIGATION; fields of Navigation, Geodesy and Cartography, Informatics.

Obligatory preparatory drill before the inauguration of the academic year 2010/2011
20.09.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Adaptation Days for the 1st year Students of the Maritime University of Szczecin of 2010/2011 Academic Year

The aim of Adaptation Days organized for the 1st year students is to: get to know the university authorities, faculties, history, achievements and perspectives after graduation from the Maritime University of Szczecin.
16.09.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

10th West Pomeranian Science Festival

Maritime University of Szczecin welcomes to the 10th West Pomeranian Science Festival
01.08.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Post-graduate studies „LNG Transport and Terminal Operation”

All the information concerning the studies available at:
01.08.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

ORDERED STUDY FIELDS-Mechatronics and Mechanics and Machine Construction just being launched at the MU of Szczecin

Maritime University of Szczecin has just raised funds for a project covering the following:
01.08.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

3.5 - year regular and extramural studies – field of logistics, course of company logistics

The Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering of the Maritime University of Szczecin has been recruiting students for 3.5 - year regular and extramural studies - logistics, course of company logistics. The demand for logisticians is constantly growing! If you fancy challenges and want to get qualifications, most required by the international transport system, or work in most promising branches – the guarantee of promotion and career development- take logistics at the Maritime University of Szczecin!
01.08.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

On education, economy and sports in Kaliningrad

On 22-24.07.2010 the Vice Rector for Education, Przemysław Rajewski, PhD, as a member of the West Pomeranian Province delegation, paid a visit to the District of the Kaliningrad Russian Federation. Our region representatives, headed by Władysław Husejko, the Marshal of the Province, were invited to the District of Kaliningrad by its governor, Georgij Boos.
01.08.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych


We take the pleasure to inform that on 11.06.2010 by the decision of the State Accreditation Commission the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering was conferred the right to instruct in the field of LOGISTICS
01.08.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Faculty Recruitment Commission of the Faculty of Navigation

Faculty Recruitment Commission of the Faculty of Navigation informs that the recruitment results of the Faculty of Navigation are accessible at Results of the other two commissions shall be available on Monday, 19.07.2010
01.08.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

The second recruitment for the regular daily studies of the Maritime University of Szczecin

We inform that the Faculty Recruitment Commissions of all the three faculties of the Maritime University of Szczecin announce the 2nd recruitment for the 2010/2011 academic year of the Maritime University of Szczecin.

An agreement on cooperation between UM and the Technological University of Minsk

Signing an agreement on cooperation between the Maritime University of Szczecin and the Technological University of Minsk is the first substantial effect of the official visit paid by the representatives of the West Pomeranian Province to Minsk District in Belorussia on 12-14.07.2010. On the basis of the agreement the universities will undertake cooperation at the research projects as well as the scientific staff and student exchange.
01.08.2010 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Recruitment results of the Faculties: of Navigation, Marine Engineering and Economics and Transport Engineering

2010/2011 recruitment results of the Faculties: of Navigation, Marine Engineering and Economics and Transport Engineering have been published at

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