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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News

15.06.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

The Inauguration of activating the industrial robot S 420 at the Institute of Marine Electrical Engineering and Automation at the Maritime University of Szczecin.

On 06.07.2009 in the laboratory of the Institute of Marine Electrical Engineering and Automation at the Maritime University (the building at Wały Chrobrego 1-2) an industrial robot S 420 manufactured by FANUC Robotics Company Ltd. got activated.

The announcement of the Faculty of Marine Engineering Recruiting Committee of the Maritime University of Szczecin

The announcement of the Faculty of Marine Engineering Recruiting Committee of the Maritime University of Szczecin

The announcement of the Faculty of Transport Engineering and Economics Recruiting Committee of the Maritime University of Szczecin

STUDENT RECRUITMENT 2009/2010 - submitting documents prolonged till 14 July Candidates for the fields run by the Faculty of Transport Engineering and Economics should submit the required documents:

Management and Auditing in Environmental Protection

Faculty of Transport Engineering and Economics invites to the 2nd edition of the post – graduate studies „Management and Auditing in Environmental Protection”. All information available in the secretary office.

Chief mate

Maritime University of Szczecin is seeking for an officer to be employed on an employment contract on the position of a chief mate on the training vessel m/s NAVIGATOR XXI from 02.09.2009. Required documents: CV + letter of application, current diploma and marine documents.
22.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

2nd Photography Competition “Maritime University – not only the sea and not only for men”.

Careers Agency of the Maritime University of Szczecin is waiting for the applications of your photographs to the 2nd Photography Competition “Maritime University – not only the sea and not only for men’. The deadline is May 22nd!!!
22.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Rowing League for the Maritime University of Szczecin

Two consecutive editions of Szczecin Academic Rowing League took place on May, 16-17th.
22.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych


We have the pleasure to invite you to the presentation of LIVE@EDU platform organized by Microsoft in prof. Laski lecture hall on Tuesday on May, 19th at 15:30. A sweet energizing surprise for each visitor!!!
22.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Maritime Transport 2009 Conference

The Maritime University of Szczecin, Close Range Shipping Promotion Agency and the Szczecin – Swinoujscie Ports’ Management take the pleasure of inviting to the consecutive edition of the scientific conference Maritime Transport 2009 which will be held under the banner of: Economic situation in the world economy and the shipping and port markets.
21.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Main Library of the MUS and EBSCO Publishing invite to testing basic packet of 11 magazine bases

The bases contain a wide range of disciplines: science, art, social science, economy, business, IT, technology, physics and others.
21.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Week of libraries entitled „Library is an advantage” combined with Librarian’s Day

In connection to the Week of Libraries entitled „Library is an advantage” combined with Librarian’s Day from 8 -15th May 2009, 9.00-14.00, the open days of the Main Library of the Maritime University of Szczecin will be arranged. You are heartedly invited!
21.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Rowing Crew-Maritime University of Szczecin is not to be defeated!

The Maritime University of Szczecin team of eight won the traditional Szczecin races of higher education institutions
20.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Book of Szczecin Maritime University alumni

Are you an alumnus of the Maritime University of Szczecin? Is your career blossoming? Let us know your professional achievements! Do not hesitate to put your name and details into our data bank.
20.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Join a leading maritime university!

The global fleet urgently needs about 40 thousand seafarers: captains, deck and engineer officers. Embark on the maritime career to get a well-paid job as soon as possible.
20.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

The Faculty of Marine Engineering announces the winter enrollment for the 1st year of the undergraduate studies

The Faculty of Marine Engineering of the Maritime University of Szczecin announces the winter enrollment for the 1st year of the undergraduate (engineer) studies of 2010/2011.
01.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

4th photography competition ‘Crossing Borders - a journey towards a dream job’

Careers Office of the Maritime University of Szczecin announces the fourth photo contest „Crossing Borders - a journey towards a dream job”
01.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Virtual Computer Laboratory at the Maritime University of Szczecin

The official inauguration of the virtual computer lab. The ceremonial start was made ​​by the Rector of the Maritime University Prof. Stanislaw Gucma, Master Mariner.
01.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Department of Marine Information Technology invites you to see movies

The project Fames artium magistra - promotion of implementation capacity in the field of IT and industrial design of development units of West Pomerania universities

April 28, 2011, the Feast of School!

The Senate of the Maritime University of Szczecin decided to restore the holiday, which began in the State Maritime School in Szczecin, the forerunner of maritime education in our city.
01.05.2009 Administrator Stron Internetowych

International Student Conference in the framework of the Baltic University Programme will be organized by MUS

On 11-13 October, theBaltic Conference of Rectors of the University Programme (BUP) was held at the University of Uppsala (Sweden).

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