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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News


Polish candidacy for the IMO Council 2022-2023

Janusz Uriasz, PhD Eng., MUS Professor and Vice-Rector for Innovation and Development speaks at IMO on behalf of the Polish delegation
On December 7th, in London, the Polish candidacy was presented for the International Maritime Organization Council for the 2022-2023 term.

MEWy 2021 Competition winners announced!

The award and logos of the organizers of the MEWy 2021 competition
The second edition of MEWy competition - Trends and Visions for Offshore Wind Energy Development - is now over and we proudly present the winners.

Windhunter Academy - new MUS partner in wind power industry training services

MUS Rector Wojciech Ślączka and Rafał Kramek, the President of the Board of Windhunter Academy sign an agreement
The latest trends and the cooperation between science and business - these are two issues, which perfectly describe the relationship with our new partner - Windhunter Academy.

Common direction and perspectives - the agreement between MUS and Grupa Azoty signed

The Maritime University of Szczecin and Grupa Azoty have signed a mutual agreement
An agreement on mutual cooperation between the Grupa Azoty and the Maritime University of Szczecin was signed on 28 October 2021 in the MUS Hall of Tradition

The first edition of Safety & Security International Conference.

The International Safety & Security Conference was held in Szczecin on 14-15 October 2021
The first edition of Safety & Security International Conference was held in Szczecin (Technopark Pomerania) between 14 and 15 October 2021.

The virtual world of engines - new VR simulator now at MUS

MUS staff and WinGD representatives  at the opening of the new training centre with a VR slow-speed engine simulator
The new training centre with a VR low-speed engine simulator has been recently opened in the Maritime University of Szczecin main building.

Maritime University of Szczecin welcomes new students

Raising the flag of the Republic of Poland during the opening new year of the new academic year at the Maritime University of Szczecin.
With its traditional opening ceremony, the Maritime University of Szczecin welcomed nearly a thousand new students, including a record number of international students ever.

Back to the university on October 1st

Announcement of The Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin on: operation of the University as of 1st October 2021.
18.11.2019 dr hab. inż. Leszek Chybowski | Maritime University of Szczecin

The Maritime University of Szczecin hosts the meeting of WECANet working group 4

On 05-08 November 2019, the meeting of Working Group 4 (WG4) of COST Action CA OC-2017-1-22010 WECANet "A pan-European Network for Marine Renewable Energy with a focus on Wave Energy" took place at the Maritime University of Szczecin.
20.09.2019 Paweł Zalewski | Dziekan WN

The tests of a tethered flying drone built in the SARA project

m/s Nawigator at the quay in Szczecin
The project is run at the Faculty of Navigation under the direction of prof. Lucjan Gucma in cooperation with Italian and Danish partners.

Green Cities conference 2019 - Green Logistics For Greener Cities

 Dean of FETE of Maritime University of Szczecin, Stanisław Iwan PhD, MUS Professor and Olgierd Geblewicz, West Pomeranian Province Marshal at the Green Cities conference 2019
Green Cities conference - Green Logistics For Greener Cities, one of the most important events in the field of logistics, was held between the 13th and 14th of September at the Maritime University of Szczecin.
17.06.2019 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy

Cooperation with Zhejiang Ocean University gains momentum

 Delegation from Zhejiang Ocean University in China at the Maritime University of Szczecin
A delegation from Zhejiang Ocean University in China has visited the Maritime University of Szczecin again.
18.02.2019 Leszek Chybowski | Institute of Marine Propulsion Plants Operation

The 1st Annual Assembly of WECANet Action

Opening presentation, from the left: Dr. Matt Folley, Queen’s University Belfast, WECANet Vice-Chair; Dr. Vicky Stratigaki, WECANet Chair, Ghent University; Ms. Ange Marie Ina Uwase, WECANet Administrative Officer, COST; Dr. Eva Loukogeorgaki,
The 1st Annual Assembly of COST Action CA17105 "A Pan-European Network for Marine Renewable Energy with a Focus on Wave Energy" (WECANet) took place at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on 11-12 February this year.
15.02.2019 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

IPITEX medal for inventions of MareMed consortium

IPITEX Gold Medal diploma
IPITEX 2019 (International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition - IPITEx) was held in Bangkok on the occasion of the Thailand Inventors' Day.
07.02.2019 Marianna Maruszczak | WIET

Inland Shipping Internaltional Conference 2019 - an invitation

Inland Shipping Internaltional Conference 2019 - logo
International Scientific Conference on Inland Shipping will take place at Raddison Blue Hotel on 16-17 May 2019
01.02.2019 dr hab. inż. st. of. Paweł Zalewski, prof. nadzw. AM | Dziekan Wydziału Nawigacyjnego

Maritime University in IMO in the 6th Session of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communication and Search and Rescue

Plenary session of IMO NCSR 6 Sub-Committee
Between 16-25 January 2019, the sixth session of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communication and Search and Rescue (NCSR) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) was held
23.01.2019 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

Rector’s awards granted

MUS Rector and annual award winners
On Tuesday, 22nd January, the annual awards of the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin for MUS undergraduate and doctoral students for the academic year of 2017/18 were handed in in the Tradition Hall.
18.01.2019 Administrator Stron Internetowych

Hot and cold. The refrigeration and air conditioning laboratory presented

MUS authorities at the launch of the new laboratory
The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory has been launched at the Marine Machines and Devices Department of the Maritime University of Szczecin.
15.01.2019 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

26th anniversary of Jan Heweliusz ferry disaster

Laying of wreaths at the memorial "To those who did not return from the sea"
On 14th January 1993, Jan Heweliusz ferry sank in the Baltic Sea. 55 people died then, making it one of the greatest tragedies in the Baltic Sea.
02.01.2019 Dorota Curzydło | SNJO/Projekt „Nowe Horyzonty”

A QINSy software training (6-8.12.2018)

MUS students during training onboard the vessel
As a part of the "New Horizons" project, students of the Maritime University of Szczecin took part in theoretical and practical classes related to:

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