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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

University News

09.03.2018 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy

For students and scientists - new equipment at MUS

Technologically advanced solutions arrived at the laboratories of the Maritime University of Szczecin at the beginning of this year. Thanks to modern equipment which will be used by students and scientists, the University does not lose its speed, extending its teaching and scientific offer.
01.03.2018 Zbigniew Pietrzykowski

MUS European patent

The inventors
The Maritime University of Szczecin obtained the EP2504719 European patent “A method and system of navigational decision support in the process of safe vessel navigation” granted by the European Patent Office.
28.02.2018 Paweł Kućko | Studium Doskonalenia Kadr Oficerskich

New trainings for officers in the English language

We would like to inform that, in February 2018, the Marine Officers' Training Centre was subject to an audit carried out by three representatives of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, the aim of which was to extend the approval of our centre to include trainings conducted in English.
28.02.2018 dr hab. inż. st. of. Paweł Zalewski, prof. AM | Dziekan Wydziału Nawigacyjnego

The Maritime University in IMO in the 5th session of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue

The Polish delegation during the plenary session of the IMO NCSR Sub-Committee
In the period 19-23 February 2018, the fifth session of the Sub -Committee on Navigation, Communication and Search and Rescue (NCSR) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) was held in London.
26.02.2018 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy

The Scientific Associations of Geodesy,  Cartography and Hydrography on the Szczecin E(x)plory Scientific Festival 2018

Participants of the Szczecin E(x)plory Scientific Festival in Technopark Pomerania
On 23.02 the annual Szczecin E(x)plory Scientific Festival was held in Technopark Pomerania.
21.02.2018 AM Szczecin

The PIANC Inland Waterways Commission meets in Szczecin

The participants fo the PIANC Inland Waterways Commission meeting
The working group 125 - for Inland Waterways of the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure - PIANC meets at the Maritime University of Szczecin on 21st and 22nd February 2018.
21.02.2018 AM Szczecin

Meeting of the Working Group for National Smart Specialisations in Kołobrzeg

Participants of the Working Group for National Smart Specialisations meeting in Kołobrzeg
On 20th February 2018, the Training Centre of the Maritime University in Kołobrzeg hosted the participants of the 4th meeting of the Working Group for NSS 17 (previously - 20) - Smart Maritime Technologies.
19.02.2018 Weronika Bulicz | rzecznik prasowy

The open day at MUS attracted crowds

About 1000 people visited MUS on 19th February. The open day was an opportunity for presentation of the training and research facilities of the University, getting the future students acquainted with the lecturers and the university space.
15.02.2018 Administrator Stron Internetowych

NEW HORIZONS - 7 million zlotys for our University!

On 14th February 2018, the Maritime University of Szczecin completed negotiations with the National Centre for Research and Development concerning the activity scope of the project NEW HORIZONS.
14.02.2018 Krystian Pietrzak

Intelligent Transport Systems -a new specialisation at the Faculty of Economics and Engineering of Transport

Student admissions to a new specialisation of graduate (Master) degree programme are open until 20th February 2018. Launching the new specialisation in the field of Transport is an answer to the increasing demand signalled by the TFL sector for specialists within the scope of traffic control and transport systems management.
01.02.2018 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy

The Baltic States Universities on international cooperation

The meeting at The conference of the rectors of Baltic States Universities
The conference of the rectors of Baltic States took place between 24th and 26th January at Abo Akademi University in Turku, Finland.
26.01.2018 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy

The Maritime Security Forum 2017

Maritime Security Forum 2017 participants
On 25. Jan. 2018, the 3rd Maritime Security Forum was held in Warsaw. It was devoted to increasing of the potential of the Polish Navy as well as exchange of ideas within the scope of interoperability between NATO countries.
18.01.2018 Magdalena Markiewicz | Dział ds. Obcokrajowców i Wymiany Międzynarodowej

Zhejiang Ocean University on a visit to Maritime University of Szczecin

Representatives of  Zhejiang Ocean University and MUS,  photo:  T. Kwiatkowski
On 15th January 2018, our University was visited by representatives of the Zhejiang Ocean University in south-east China. Following mutual presentation, the participants of the meeting began talks on possible forms of cooperation, especially in the area of education.
16.01.2018 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy

Ministry of National Defence promotes the Academic Legion

Andrzej Bąk speaks at military training for students programme launching at MUS
A programme of military training for students - the Academic Legion - has been launched at the Maritime University of Szczecin.
10.01.2018 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy

Consortium for defence

Members of meeting during discussion
A meeting of vice-rectors from universities cooperating within the COP Consortium - Tradition - Defence was held at Kielce University of Technology on 4th January.
09.01.2018 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy

Students rewarded

MUS Rector with students during awards ceremony
Right before the end of 2017, fifteen undergraduate students, doctoral students and graduates received the award of the MUS Rector. The distinctions were handed in on 15th December in the Tradition Hall.
20.12.2017 Weronika Bulicz - Rzecznik Prasowy

The green shipyard in Poland - a meeting in Szczecin

Members of Green Shipyard in Poland meeting
On 12th December, a meeting of the expert Working Group of the project "Green Shipyard in Poland" was held in Szczecin. The meeting was organised by the National Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw at the Maritime University of Szczecin.
20.12.2017 Weronika Bulicz - Rzecznik Prasowy

Measurement of caves in the Tatra National Park

Students in the cave
In the period 9-13.11.2017, students of the "METIRI" Scientific Association of Geodesy and Cartography in cooperation with the "EQUATOR" Geodetic Scientific Association (University of Life Sciences in Lublin) performed measurements of the "Dziura" Cave in the Tatra National Park (TNP) with the ground laser scanning technology.
12.12.2017 Weronika Bulicz - Rzecznik Prasowy

New equipment at the Faculty of Economics and Engineering of Transport

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Engineering of Transport Stanisław Iwan
Representatives of the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering of the Maritime University of Szczecin and Vitronic Machine Vision Polska sp. z o.o. have officially signed a cooperation agreement.
12.12.2017 Weronika Bulicz - Rzecznik Prasowy

The Mayor’s Scholarship for our student

Eric Kulbiej, a Navigation student of the Maritime University of Szczecin is among four students awarded with the scholarship of the Szczecin City Mayor.

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