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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

Faculty of Navigation News

22.11.2018 mgr inż. st. of. pokł. Marzena Małyszko | Zakład Ratownictwa i Ochrony Żeglugi

“New Horizons” - Hypack training

In the period 21-24.10.2018, participants of the New Horizons project who are also students of Hydrography, supervised by Grzegorz Zaniewicz, MSc, took part in a training on the use and operation of Hypack software. The training was held at Gdańsk University of Technology.
15.11.2018 Witold Kazimierski

The MORGAV project

The project entitled: "Development of a technology for acquisition and exploration of gravimetric data of the foreshore and seashore of Polish maritime areas" (MORGAV) obtained co-financing as a part of measure 4.1 Research and Development, sub-measure 04 "Application Projects" of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 co-financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund.
13.10.2018 Weronika Bulicz | Rzecznik Prasowy

An unmanned vessel model tested in the Marine Rescue Training Centre

The prototype of an autonomous vessel was created in the Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding. The vessel model is 3.15 m long, 0.46 m wide and has the draught of 0.17 m.
12.09.2018 dr hab. inż. st. of. Paweł Zalewski, prof. AM | Dziekan Wydziału Nawigacyjnego

SARA project financed from the Horizon 2020 program at the Faculty of Navigation of the Maritime University of Szczecin

On 10-11.09.2018 the first technical tests of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) designed for precise detection of people and other objects in water took place. The construction of the drone specialized for this purpose is the goal of the SARA (Search and Rescue Aid and Surveillance using High EGNSS Accuracy) project.
06.09.2018 dr hab. inż. st. of. Paweł Zalewski, prof. AM | Dziekan Wydziału Nawigacyjnego

Cooperation with the West Pomeranian Sailing Association and the Maritime Science Centre

The Faculty of Navigation, as a part of its cooperation with the West Pomeranian Regional Sailing Association and the Professor Jerzy Stelmach Maritime Science Centre, has joined the activity of the Children's University - Szczecin School of Cabin Boys.
10.07.2018 Zbigniew Pietrzykowski

International Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium Amsterdam 2018

In the period 27 – 29.06.2018, the third international Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium was held in Amsterdam.
10.07.2018 Zbigniew Pietrzykowski

99th Session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)

Fig. 1. The plenary session of the 99th Session of the Maritime Safety Committee, London 2018
The 99th Session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) was held in London in the period of 16 - 25.05.2018.
03.07.2018 dr hab. inż. st. of. Paweł Zalewski, prof. AM | Dziekan Wydziału Nawigacyjnego

The 1st Development Vision Forum and MASS Seminar - autonomous ships - not a distant future?

In the period 25-26 June 2018, the 1st Development Vision Forum was held in the Pomeranian Scientific and Technology Park and Gdynia Arena Hall under the auspices of the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and selected ministers, who also participated in works of the Forum and delivered their keynote speeches. The Forum gathered representatives of local governments, state administration, business and science. 17 theme blocks and 96 discussion panels were organised.
20.06.2018 dr hab. inż. st. of. Paweł Zalewski, prof. AM | Dziekan Wydziału Nawigacyjnego

The first technical meeting of MAGS project

The first technical meeting of MAGS (Maritime Adaptive GNSS Concept) project was held on 19.06. The project has been carried out since 18.06 at the request of the European Space Agency at the Faculty of Navigation in partnership with DLR (German Aerospace Center), SIRM UK Marine Ltd (SOCIETA' ITALIANA RADIO MARITTIMA S.P.A), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).
20.06.2018 dr hab. inż. st. of. Paweł Zalewski, prof. AM | Dziekan Wydziału Nawigacyjnego

The World Maritime Days and the 6th Maritime Congress

Celebrations of the World Maritime Days in the period 13-15 June in Szczecin were an opportunity for presentation of the potential of the Faculty of Navigation and the university. The Secretary General of IMO, Mr Kitack Lim from South Korea accompanied by the host of the World Maritime Days, Minister Marek Gróbarczyk, was received, on 13.06, by the authorities of the Maritime University of Szczecin in the Marine Traffic Engineering Centre and the European LNG Training Centre.

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