Retaking the course unit or units – summer semester 2020/2021
Pursuant to the decision of the Council of Ministers maintaining, until May 3, 2021, certain restrictions, orders and prohibitions that arise from the Covid-19 epidemic, The Dean of the Faculty of Navigation extends until May 3, 2021, a decision...
Please read the information provided (file attached) regarding the following issues:
Dear Students,
Please familiarize yourself with the plan of winter exam session 2020/2021 for the course NAVIGATION - full-time studies.
Faculty of Navigation informs students of all above mentioned fields of study that after the winter holi-days it is planned to resume the...
All students who obtained the Dean’s decision on the right of retake a course unit...
Extension of remote learning till 06/01/2021
Extension of remote learning till 29/11/2020
On the basis of Rector’s Orders No. 70/2020 and 85/2020, in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Education, teaching of students of the Faculty of Navigation will be conducted exclusively remotely (by the methods and techniques of education at distance) in the period from October 27, 2020 to November 8, 2020.
On organisation of classes in the winter semester of academic year 2020/2021 in relation to preventing the spread of COVID-19
Dear Students and Faculty Staff,
Because of the restrictions related to COVID-19 prevention in the period until 30/06/2020 at the Faculty of Navigation
Dear Students and Faculty Staff,
According to the directive of the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin extending the suspension of all classes conducted at the university's premises until April 17, 2020 and extending the restrictions on access to the university until Easter, the Dean's Office, the Secretariat of Faculty Education Centre and the Secretariats of the Departments will provide only remote customer service until April 13, 2020.
Students of the Faculty of Navigation start classes in the implemented teaching system on the MOODLE e-learning platform.
Dear Students,
During the suspension of classes, all personal visits to the dean's office on administrative matters must be agreed in advance by phone or e-mail.
On December 4-6, 2019, the Dean of the Faculty of Navigation, Paweł Zalewski, PhD, DSc., and Vice-Dean for Science, Jarosław Artyszuk, PhD, DSc. at the invitation of the association of 4 Norwegian universities.
20.09.2019 Paweł Zalewski | Dziekan WN
The tests of a tethered flying drone built in the SARA project took place onboard Nawigator XXI. The project is run at the Faculty of Navigation under the direction of prof. Lucjan Gucma in cooperation with Italian and Danish partners.
01.02.2019 dr hab. inż. st. of. Paweł Zalewski, prof. nadzw. AM | Dziekan Wydziału Nawigacyjnego
In the period 16-25 January 2019, the sixth session of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communication and Search and Rescue (NCSR) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) was held in London under the supervision of Mr Ringo Lakeman from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
02.01.2019 Zbigniew Pietrzykowski
In the period 3- 7 December 2018, the 100th Session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the International Maritime Organization was held in London.
12.12.2018 dr hab. inż. st. of. Paweł Zalewski, prof. AM | Dziekan Wydziału Nawigacyjnego
On 3rd and 4th December 2018, the Dean of the Faculty of Navigation, Paweł Zalewski, DSc. Eng. Professor of MUS and Professor Lucjan Gucma, DSc. Eng. took part in the EGNSS consultation panel for users of marine and inland water ways during the European Space Week in Marseille, France.