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Unia Europejska

Dear Students, Please familiarize yourself with the plan of winter exam session 2020/2021 for the course NAVIGATION - full-time studies.

Dear Students,

Please familiarize yourself with the plan of winter exam session 2020/2021 for the course NAVIGATION - full-time studies.
All dates of exams and correctional exams have been agreed with the teachers responsible for the subject, and I teachers were asked to explain to the students in detail the scope, rules and conditions for conducting the exams remotely (on-line).

For students that failed to pass a courses  in a semester and in accordance with the RULES and REGULATIONS OF STUDIES, it will be necessary to organize a re-take test  in an examination session - the date of such a re-take test must be agreed by the teacher conducting the classes at the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Navigation (pp. Katarzyna Czerwony - w. 354, Monika Kosińska w. 510 or by e-mail). After setting a deadline for a re-take test in the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Navigation, the teacher will pass this information on to the students.

Koordynator kierunku nawigacja
Barbara Kwiecińska

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