Spacer brzegiem morza, piękna sceneria, a tu... betonowy falochron. Wszyscy chyba przywykli już do takiego widoku, ale okazuje się, że może być inaczej!. Ładniej, bardziej ekologicznie i taniej. No i skutecznie.
Pomysł na nowy sposób ochrony brzegów przed falami morskimi ma Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, której projekt został dofinansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Badań.
In another example of a research project that looks set to produce major, real-world benefits, Prof. Bolesław Kuźniewski from the Maritime University of Szczecin in northwestern Poland has developed a new type of breakwater to suppress storm waves and counteract coastal erosion, which makes Poland shrink by some 34 hectares every year and causes substantial financial losses. The design was created as part of a research project carried out at the Maritime University of Szczecin between 2008 and 2010 that focused on developing a new way to protect the coastline against waves. The National Center for Research and Development allocated around $1 million to help finance the project.