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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-sygnet Politechniki Morskiej w Szczecinie - głowa gryfa, elementy kotwicy i sygnatura PM Politechnika Morska w Szczecinie

Unia Europejska

The Westpomeranian Regional Board on 6th October 2009 passed resolution No 1406/09 concerning subsidizing projects submitted for the competition No RPOWZ/7.1.1/2009/1 - Measure 7.1.1 - educational infrastructure - higher education, Regional Operational Programme of Westpomeranian Voivodeship 2007-2013.

The first place in the competition took the project of the Maritime Universtiy of Szczecin: “Construction of the LNG Terminal Simulation Center and Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator at the Maritime University of Szczecin”.

The decision of locating LNG Terminal in Świnoujście engendered a need for high-qualified staff working at sea and ashore. Potential risks which could appear while operating a LNG terminal demand top-class specialists in the range of liquid gases transport, loading, discharge and transfer. While everyday operating there is no margin for even the slightest error.

The LNG Terminal Simulation Center and Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator will provide training for terminal employees, LNG ships crews and MSU students in accordance with international and EU regulations which are the base for Polish legal acts regulating actions in the above scope, among them the STCW Code which requires training on LNG terminal simulators with the use of real equipment.

LNG Simulator will provide training for ships crews in the following range:

  • cargo loading and discharge operation of LNG ships,
  • cooperation with terminal staff while transferring LNG.

LNG Simulator will provide training for terminal staff in the following range:

  • LNG transfer technology all over the terminal,
  • cooperation with the ship crew while transferring LNG,
  • maintenance of LNG terminal technical installations,
  • emergency exercises (technical and operational emergency),
  • terminal security exercises (ISPS).

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