University Training Centres
The Maritime University of Szczecin training centres operate under MUSTC (Maritime University of Szczecin Training Center) umbrella and include:
- Maritime Officers Training Centre
- Maritime Rescue Training Centre
- Maritime Training Centre in Kołobrzeg
- Department of Foreign Languages
- Maritime English Center
Maritime Officers Training Centre

1-2 Wały Chrobrego St.
70-500 Szczecin, Poland
tel.: +48 91 48 09 477, +48 91 43 39 171
fax: +48 91 48 09 489
website (in Polish only):
The centre runs training courses for merchant and fishing fleet officers and maritime professionals
The scope of training offered includes:- qualification courses, preparing for exams at operational and management levels in deck and engine departments (watch officers, Master Mariner and Chief Engineer certificates),
- specialized courses, e.g. radio (GMDSS, VHF and related), radar equipment operator (e.g.ARPA), carriage of hazardous cargo HAZMAT and others,
- updating courses covering new regulations, new technologies and equipment, such as ECDIS use, new elements of low-speed diesel engine diagnosis, new welding methods, etc.
More than 2000 seafarers have taken part in Master Mariner courses so far, while Chief Engineer courses have been attended by over 1800 ship engineers. Apart from Polish sailors, among the participants are crew members from many other countries.
The centre meets the requirements of the STCW Convention and instructions of the competent ministry on the training centre arrangements and holds the necessary certificates:
Apart from being required for issuing certificates recognized by Polish and other maritime administrations, these documents express positive assessment by external institutions confirming that Szczecin-based Marine Officers Training Centre has adjusted its training arrangements to world standards of the STCW 78/95 Convention.
- quality management system ISO 9002 of 20 February 1998, granted by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance;
- recognition of a training centre No C-4\XI\98 issued by the Maritime Office in Szczecin;
- compliance of courses with the STCW’95 Convention - LR/WMC/001, issued by Warsash Maritime Centre and Lloyd’s Register of Shipping.
The centre co-operates with the World Maritime University in Malmö, Sweden. The centre aims to extend the collaboration with foreign ship owners.
Maritime Rescue Training Centre

7/8 Dębogórska St.
71-700 Szczecin, Poland
tel.: +48 91 42 81 765, +48 91 42 80 125
fax: +48 91 42 81 767
Director: Magdalena Wójcik
The Centre (MRTC) is one of the largest and best-equipped Polish training facilities of this kind. Being a member of the International Association for Safety and Survival Training (IASST) and having accreditation from the Maritime Office in Szczecin, the Centre offers courses satisfying the International STCW 78/95 Convention.
The range of training courses, covering such areas as safety, life-rescue, protection of health and marine environment, aims at preparing trainees to respond in an emergency and extreme situations. Theoretical classes are combined with practical field training in a basin 100 metres x 14 metres, where exercises are held for a certificate of training proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats and in fast rescue boats. Since June 2007 the Centre has been operating a unique facility for free-fall boat drills.
MRTC’s convenient location next to the Odra River and Lake Dabie opens opportunities for students to practise sailing, rowing or to perform a variety of drills in life-saving or environment protection, using SAR craft etc. All the equipment (fast rescue boats, life rafts, personal life-saving appliances, fire fighting equipment) and the Centre’s facilities comply with the requirements of the International Maritime Organization.
The Maritime Rescue Training Centre offers the following courses:
- training in tanker familiarization,
- advanced training in liquefied gas, chemical or oil tanker familiarization,
- elementary first aid,
- medical first aid,
- personal survival techniques,
- fire fighting (basic and advanced),
- personal safety and social responsibilities,
- proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats,
- proficiency in fast rescue boats,
- crowd management, passenger safety and safety for personnel providing direct services to passengers in passenger spaces on ro-ro passenger ships and others,
- crisis management, human behaviour and safety of passengers and cargo, hull integrity of ro-ro passenger ships and passenger ships other than ro-ro ships
- ADN expert for inland shipping.
The centre also runs courses required for the implementation of the International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code and SOLAS 74 Convention:
- ship security officer,
- port facility security officer,
- training for ratings in ship security.
Certificates of course completion are recognized by administrations of a number of countries: Liberia, Vanuatu, Gibraltar, Cyprus, Marshall Islands.
The latest addition to the MRTC facilities is the ultra-modern Offshore Training Centre which includes: 4 m depth training pool, storm waves, fog and rain generator, escape chute, lifeboat, liferaft, fast rescue craft, working at high training platform. OTC will be used to provide courses and training for students seeking to pursue a career in the rapidly growing offshore industry.
Maritime Training Centre in Kołobrzeg
78-100 Kołobrzeg, Western Pomerania, Poland
phone 94-71-35-100, - secretariat/course enrolment
fax: +48 94-71-35-101
tel. +48 94-71-35-100 or 102 - training information
website (in Polish only)
The Maritime Training Centre in Kołobrzeg also arranges other courses including sailing and motorboat courses, qualification courses for commercial yacht crews, and training workshops for sailors and skippers. MTCK also offers teaching rooms equipped with modern multimedia equipment for hire.
Department of Foreign Languages
1-2 Wały Chrobrego St.70-500 Szczecin, Poland
tel: +48 91 48 09 377
fax: +48 91 48 09 377
website: Studium Nauki Języków Obcych
The Department of Foreign Languages is an interfaculty unit where foreign languages (English and German) are taught to students of all faculties. The specific nature of international shipping requires from its participants a good command of English, the language used in trade, in various professional contexts. For navigators, a good knowledge of English is an absolute necessity, in particular within the scope of distress, safety and other urgent communication.
The experienced staff of the Department are committed to applying the highest standards in their work and providing top-quality training to the students ensuring their successful carrier launch after graduation.
The qualified staff have high teaching skills and some marine experience, which makes it easier for them to teach maritime English. Keeping in touch with colleagues from other maritime educational institutions, the teachers take every opportunity to exchange teaching ideas and methods at international conferences and workshops.
The Department has a wide variety of publications and resources for teaching maritime English including handbooks, recordings and own teaching materials, such as textbooks and tests. The Department facilities include a reading room, where a wide selection of reference books, dictionaries and access to the Internet are available to the staff and students. To optimize the teaching, students are divided into groups based on the results of a placement test they take before the start of the academic year.
The language instruction, divided into stages, follows the generally accepted standards with a focus on the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. According to the syllabus, students first master their general English, only to pass on to maritime English in various professional contexts during later years of their studies. The Department has language labs and classrooms equipped with modern teaching aids, for example, authentic recordings of marine ship-to-ship and other types of communication. Teachers successfully use modern technology and new teaching techniques and still continue to practice the traditional communicative approach, such as teacher-student and student-student interactions.
Although some classes might be demanding, students enjoy time spent in the computer lab. A variety of wide range of interesting self-study materials and tests are available to the students. They have an opportunity to proceed with self-testing of their language skills and prepare themselves for the final exam to be taken at the end of each academic year. Our successful graduates are well prepared for work in the English-speaking environment of the shipping industry.
Maritime English Centre
1-2 Wały Chrobrego St.
70-500 Szczecin, Poland
tel.: +48 91 48 09 537
Maritime English Centre runs specialised language courses:
Distress Communication
ISPS Code - basic glossary, orders, expressions
Maritime English for Navigators
Upper-intermediate level
Advanced Level
Maritime English for Engineers
Intermediate level
Upper-intermediate level
Maritime English for Specific Purposes
Crash Course of Engineering English for Navigators
Crash Course of Nautical English for Engineers
Business English
Marlin’s courses
Upper-intermediate level
Marlins English Language Test
Individual and special request courses (on request)