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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

The Maritime University of Szczecin was awarded the title of Business & Science Cooperation Leader. The award was granted by the Marshall of the West Pomeranian region during the 10th Forum of Self-governments as a token of recognition of effective and business-oriented investment and research undertaken by the University.

This year’s Forum of Self-governments was focused on evaluating the effects of Regional Operational Programme of the West Pomerania in the years 2007-2012. On this occasion awards were granted to entities who carried out the most effective projects. Our University was recognised for the project “Green Power – developing wind power R+D infrastructure”. The award decision rationale said: “Awarding the Maritime University of Szczecin with the title of Business & Science Cooperation Leader is a token of our recognition for genuinely business-oriented research undertaken by the university’s academics. The laboratory launched in result of the project “Green Power – developing wind power R+D infrastructure” is equipped with state-of-the-art research apparatus which allows evaluating quality of supplied power and which caters for the needs of renewable energy businesses”.

The Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Prof. Stanislaw Gucma together with the Manager of the project, Mr Maciej Kozak, PhD, Electrical Engineering Officer were presented with the award by Wojciech Dróżdż, Vice-marshal of the West Pomeranian region. As the Marshal’s Office stated: “direct support for businesses in the West Pomeranian Region offered by the Regional Operational Programme was conducted along with capacity-building efforts aimed at business-support entities. Financial support available within the Programme was designed to activate business and science cooperation. The actual cooperation between research institutions and businesses is of key significance in terms of increasing applicability of state-of-the-art technologies and shall be critical for the increase in competitiveness of the whole economy.”

The 10th Forum of Self-governments themed “10 years of Polish membership in the European Union and the significance of system transformations in building democratic structures in Poland” took place in Kolobrzeg between 2-3 June 2014. The event was held under the aegis of Bronislaw Komorowski, The President of the Republic of Poland.

„GREEN POWER – developing wind power R+D infrastructure at the Maritime University of Szczecin”

Budget allocation: PLN 2.997.777,98
Duration: 2012-06-01 - 2012-11-30
Financial support: from RPO 1.2.2 Infrastruktura B+R (Regional Operational Programme 1.2.2 R+D Infrastructure)

The project’s objective was to launch Green Power Laboratory at the Maritime University of Szczecin and to equip it with state-of-the-art research apparatus to enable research into the quality of renewable energy. The equipment is calibrated specifically to serve the purposes of the laboratory and its technical parameters were adjusted according to the innovative concept by the researchers from the Faculty of Marine Engineering of the Maritime University.

In the form designed by the project, the laboratory is unique in Poland and one of the very few of such type throughout the whole Europe. Its innovativeness consists in unique combination of distinct power supply systems, particularly in terms of power generators, and in examining their mutual impact on energy, both produced and transmitted.

Research infrastructure comprises:

  1. Mobile diagnostic unit – to perform field research into working conditions of devices producing renewable energy and to evaluate their technical condition
  2. Power generator research units III. High voltage laboratory
  3. Unit for analysis of power system signals

The project was aimed at developing new methods, procedures and diagnostic models, the implementation of which allows e.g.:

  • fast and reliable diagnosing and forecasting technical condition of wind power systems
  • developing effective maintenance schedules for wind power systems identifying construction “weak links” which need to be modified in order to improve reliability and safety of wind power plants.

Implementing technical solutions developed by the project is to have a direct impact on significant limitation of maintenance-related outage time in wind power systems and on considerable improvement of their operational safety.

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