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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

In 2018, it has been 20 years since the Polish flag first flew above the research and training vessel of the Maritime University of Szczecin - Nawigator XXI.

The anniversary was celebrated together with the University Day - 23rd May. We decided to commemorate this momentous occasion in an excellent company - crews, representatives of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, city and university authorities, representatives of the local community as well as firms and institutions related to maritime economy. Since this was the birthday of our vessel - we could not do without the twin sister of Nawigator XXI - Horyzont II from the Gdynia Maritime University, which visited Szczecin on this occasion.

On 23rd May at 11:40, Nawigator XXI entered the port in the assistance of tugboats and moored at the foot of Wały Chrobrego. During the ceremony, the formal meeting of the MUS Senate was held on board of the vessel in the presence of the invited guests with special participation of the Vice Minister Anna Moskwa from the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation and the Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Michał Wójcik. - On the occasion of the anniversary, we wish the University further dynamic development and declare our support for its activities - declared Minister Anna Moskwa.

The Mayor of Szczecin, Piotr Krzystek handed the crew with the flag of Szczecin, which soon flew on the mast above the vessel. - The vessel has become a part of the Wały Chrobrego landscape and is not only the symbol of the Maritime University, but also the city - said the Mayor, Piotr Krzystek.

We also gave commemorative medals to the honorary guests and the annual Sea Dog prizes were handed in, which are awarded traditionally to a personality connected with the sea and a student of the Maritime University of Szczecin. This year’s “Sea Dog” was awarded to the captain of Nawigator XXI - Jerzy Białek and a student of Navigation - Eric Kulbiej.

After the official ceremony, the vessels of both Maritime Universities - Horyzont II and Nawigator XXI were opened for the inhabitants of Szczecin and tourists who wanted to put their feet on board of the ships. Almost 400 people visited the decks of both vessels!

Nawigator XXI, used for training purposes and scientific research for many years, has settled in the Szczecin reality and, mooring at the foot of Wały Chrobrego, has become a city landmark emphasising its port character.

The vessel, since the very beginning of its existence, has performed its tasks being the first contact with the demanding profession of a seaman for many young people starting their adventure with the sea. Many times, important life decisions are made on board of “Nawigator XXI” as to continuation of one’s future in this profession. The training activity on board of m/s Nawigator XXI is conducted all year long. The seagoing trainings are carried out on the vessel in the deck and machine departments for all years and specialisations of the so called “sailing fields of study” of the Maritime University of Szczecin. First year students “get acquainted” with the sea, whereas students from other years develop their knowledge and skills.

Nawigator XXI in numbers:
Length 60.30 m
Width 10.50 m
Draught 3.15 m v 140340 miles sailed
About 450 students of Maritime University stay annually on board of NXXI
The practical training takes two to four weeks

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