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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

The members of MUS Student Self-Government have once again prepared the Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity onboard Navigator XXI.

As every year, students of the Maritime University of Szczecin have been actively involved in The Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity - Polish biggest, non-governmental charity organization raising money for protecting the health and saving children's lives by providing medical equipment to public hospitals. This year, MUS students raised money for the purchase of equipment necessary for proper diagnostics and vision therapy implementation for children. Many celebrities and institutions usually join the national fundraising.

 Fundraising onboard the Nawigator XXI

MUS students set up their donation point onboard the Nawigator XXI, University's research and training vessel.

MUS student with the badge of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity onboard Navigator XXI.

Several hundred guests who came by, donated money for GOCC and were also given a chance to admire the ship and the crew and watch a first aid demonstration provided by the members of the Volunteer Water Rescue Service (WOPR) and Pomeranian Medical University students.

GOCC also raises money through online auctions. That's why the Faculty of Navigation has donated a vintage piece of equipment from the navigation bridge, and Kongsberg Maritime Poland - a company closely cooperating with MUS,  has also donated a commemorative electronic item from the vessel.

Special guests from our University

The Grand Finale onboard the Nawigator XXI was attended by the MUS Deans, including the Dean of the Faculty of Navigation, Paweł Zalewski, PhD Eng., Chief officer, MUS Professor, together with his wife, Teresa Zalewska, MD, (who kindly donated her three colorful acrylic paintings for the auction), the Dean of The Faculty of  Computer Science and Telecommunications, Prof. Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, PhD, Eng., and the Dean of the Faculty of Marine Engineering Jaromir Mysłowski, PhD, DSc, MUS Professor.

Fundraising for GOCC was also undertaken at other MUS faculties, including the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering, where its Dean, Stanisław Iwan PhD, MUS Professor, has put  "A day in a life of FETE Dean" for auction.

In the evening, a concert of the most beautiful Christmas carols performed by the MUS choir under the direction of Sylwia Fabiańczyk-Makuch took place in St. John the Baptist Basilica in Szczecin.

MUS porpoise mascot at Nawigator XXI


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