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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

This year's series of Polish Yachting Cup competition began the Cup in Koronowo (Koronowski Lagoon18 km from Bydgoszcz) - the crew representing the Maritime University won the third place/ class T1.

Our players took part in the competition due to the support of the Maritime University, mainly their student government, supporting their college players. At the lagoon there appeared more than 40 teams from all over Poland. Everyone noticed that for years there had been no representations of Szczecin in inland waters, which motivated us even more to represent our university in a decent way.

The race organizers’ report and our contestants’ photos below:

“Cup of the Koronowski Lagoon for the second time - at a high level of repeatability” Players of the Polish Yachting Cup started racing season in the qualifiers. The first race convinced us that the sixteenth Cup season has been very good and the effect of fatigue in this case does not occur. Or you can certainly say that once again the high level of organization to open a series of regattas was provided by the Support Association of Physical Culture, “Friends of Sport’ and Sailors Haven Family” Tazbirowo, “repeating the same quality of the last year’s event so solidly prepared. Regatta “Cup of the Koronowski Lagoon of the 2nd Polish Championships of Classic Omega” was held on 21-22.05 in Romanowo at the Koronowo Lagoon.

Traditionally, on Friday afternoon, the first crews began to arrive. Race port was a Family Marina “Tazbirowo”, the main sponsor and organizer - the Association “Friends of Sport.” Bureau began its work at 16:00, taking first day 35 yachts willing to participate in the race. In the evening, the participants waited for the barbecue, which together with shanty music made a unique nautical atmosphere. Saturday morning we were greeted by dense fog and no wind.

After completion of entries for the regatta the office reported 40 boats in 6 classes T1, T2, T3, Sailing 500, Classic Omega and Open. At 10.00 the regatta, attended also by government representatives and sponsors, were officially opened by President of the Association “Friends-Sport” Arkadiusz Jankowski and the Mayor of Koronowo, Stanislaw Gliszczyński. At the regatta were also editors of water sports magazine “Sailing” - Grzegorz Klawioski, the secretary and the chief editor Waldemar Heflich.

“Sailing” once again took the patronage of the whole PPJK cycle. Judge of the main event was Jaroslaw Bazylko. The scheduled for 11.00 start, due to lack of wind, was postponed. About 13:00, the first race took place. Together there took off class T1, T3, Omega, 500 and Open; the second group, the largest one, competed in class T2. On the first day managed to play four runs with a wind-4B and the beautiful sunny weather. After racing for competitors and invited guests were prepared a nice meal and a large dose of live music played by two bands, which made them have a great time till late evening. On Sunday the Chief Judge planned to organize three races. The first start took place in accordance with the time at 10.00.

Weakening and frequently changing wind direction allowed the two races played, which officially emerged winners in each class. As many as 3 classes of the last year’s winners defended their titles. Piotr Adamowicz was the winner of T2, Mateusz Lunitz of T3, Grzegorz Bitner, winner of the Classical Omega became at the same time Polish champion in this class for this year. In T1 the highest step of the podium was taken by Marian Zielinski, and in the Open by Jacek Samsel. The players received trophies, medals, diplomas and cash prizes amounting to 1000Pln for the 1st, 500Pln for the 2nd and 250Pln for the 3rd place. Among all the crews were drawn numerous and valuable prizes, including hardware and sailing clothing. Prizes were so many, that none of the crew got away with empty hands.

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