On 04/10/2013 in Karlskrona (Sweden) another meeting of the Baltic Science and Technology Park (BMSP) was held.
The meeting and conference took place in the University of Karlskrona (BTH). The Park brings together institutions and companies from the region around the Baltic Sea and its main purpose is the exchange of scientific ideas and technologies within our region. Our University has been a BMSP partner since its inception. The meeting was attended by approximately 120 people from seven out of nine countries bordering the Baltic Sea and by Norway. The Maritime University of Szczecin was represented by Maciej Gucma, PhD (with his presentation entitled ‘When the worst happens - the accident and salvage operation of the Costa Concordia’).
More about the park: http://www.bmsp.se.
The coordinator of BMSP work on behalf of the MUS is Prof. Lucjan Gucma.