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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

Prof. Aleksander Walczak, Master Mariner was born on 08.01.1930 in Grajewo (Province of Bialystok), the son of Aleksander and Helena (maiden surname: Mołs). After completing the primary school in 1942 he continued his education in the 1st and 2nd gymnasium grades of clandestine classes. Having passed entrance exams for Gdynia Naval Academy, he became one of the three best students given the right to choose a marine unit on board which he was to sail. The second Lieutenan Aleksander Walczak, the best graduate decided to choose ORP „Błyskawica”.

In 1955, at the age of 25 he became the dean (commander) of the Faculty of Navigation and Communication of the Gdynia Naval Academy. At the end of 1957 (thanks to the “October thaw”) he was transferred to the reserve as a lieutenant commodore. In 1965 the Department of Human Resources and Vocational Education of the Ministry of Shipping moved him to the newly established State Deep-sea Fishing School in Szczecin as the head of the Navigational Fishing Faculty. A year later the second marine training center,(the first one was in Gdynia)-the State Maritime School in Szczecin was reactivated.

It was just Prof. A. Walczk’s initiative to merge the two existing schools into one post-secondary State Maritime School in 1967 with A. Walczak given the position of the head of the Navigational- Fishing Faculty. On 31.07.1967 the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the Ministry of Shipping called a special Commission for the Affairs of Higher Maritime Schools. Aleksander Walczak, MSc, Master Mariner, as a representative of the State Maritime School in Szczecin, became the member of the Navigational Team.

Once the Maritime University in Szczecin was set up, he was given the position of the dean of the Faculty of Navigation. Between 1971-1978 he held the position of vice rector for education followed by the position of the vice rector for science and cooperation with maritime economy. In 1978 he was nominated and then elected for two consecutive terms of office as the rector of the Maritime University in Szczecin. It was a difficult time to run the university since special care had to be taken to focus on the university development as well as the safety of the scientific staff and students during the martial law.

At that time Rector Aleksander Walczak managed to maintain the number of staff and students, successfully opposing any political pressure. During his first term over 30 University graduates were conferred PhD title in technical sciences both in Poland and abroad. As for investments, the second Student Seaman’s House for 550 people and the dining center providing catering for 1400 persons per day were completed and in use.
Moreover, the documentation for building the swimming pool and the main library was developed.

After the rector terms of office were over, in 1985-1989 he was called as a Polish Representative of the International Maritime Organization, at the same time holding the position of the Head of the Polish Marine Mission dealing with counseling on maritime affairs at the Polish Embassy in London. Having returned to Poland, after almost one year of running the Institute of Marine Navigation, he was again elected the rector of our University for two consecutive terms. At that time the construction of the scientific /research vessel “NawigatorXXI” was commenced, the premises at Zolnierska street (the former Russian barracks) for the Military Department were acquired, eight up-to-date simulators were purchased, the swimming pool and the Main Library as well as the Institute of Port and Fleet Operation were completed and started their activity.

A meaningful field of Prof. Walczak’s activity was his participation in scientific institutions and committees like Main Council of Higher Education, Polish Nautical Society, Central Commission for titles and scientific degrees, Scientific Council of the Common Knowledge Society as well as the membership in Polish Engineers Academy and the Section of Navigation at the Committee of Geodesy and Cartography of the Polish Academy of Science.

Apart from science, there have been various forms of social activities which also play a significant role in the Professor’s life like e.g. the position of the Chairman of the Provincial Management of the Common Knowledge Society in Szczecin, Chairman of Szczecin Master Mariners’ Club, Chairman of the Polish Section STW-IMO at the Polish Shipping Registry, Chairman of the Szczecin University Rectors College, Chairman of an all-Poland Nautical Olympics, Chairman of the Society for Promoting Maritime Knowledge.

The main branch of the Professor’s scientific interests deals with navigational safety as the basic research aspect of marine navigation in reference to the impact of human, technical, operational factors and the assessment of the navigational methods accuracy. Theoretical statements and conclusions have become the basis for the development of practical navigational methods. The results of the research have been presented in 33 monographic publications, studies and dissertations and in 162 articles. The most outstanding works in his scholarly achievements deal with determining the ship’s position accuracy, navigational safety, marine transport protection, seafarers training and publications concerning the scientific research methodology of marine navigation.

Professor Aleksander Walczak has taught thousands of officers of naval, merchant and fishing fleet. He has been the co-author of programs and curricula of the field of navigation and specialist and qualification courses for officers of transport and fishing fleet. Apart from nautical subjects he has lectured on scientific research methodology and has been leading diploma seminars and monographic lectures since in spite of his round anniversary, Professor Walczak has been a professionally active lecturer. He has also been deeply concerned about propagating maritime knowledge and economy. For his scientific, organizational and didactic activity he has been distinguished with 16 branch prizes.

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