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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

In Kolobrzeg Salt Marina, on July 19 - 20, 2013, there was a feast of the sailors' Festival of Sails Kolobrzeg 2013 ". Maritime University of Szczecin through the Maritime Training Centre in Kolobrzeg was a co-organizer of the event.

The basic part of the event was Kolobrzeg Mayor’s Cup regatta and ISSA President’s Cup, attended by a total of 14 Polish and foreign boats. The contestants struggled in the waters of the Baltic Sea to the delight of spectators gathered on the pier and the beach of the beautiful Kolobrzeg. Due to the courtesy of the Port of Kolobrzeg, the large numbers of sailors had access to berths in a modern Kolobrzeg marina. There, too, were shanty music concerts, meetings, sailing, mini markets equipment, accessories and services from the nautical sector and especially ceremony of trophies and prizes for the racers.

The idea of the race was born during one of the meetings in cooperation of the Maritime Training Centre in Kolobrzeg and the Maritime University with the International Federation of Marine Schools - ISSA Poland. At the invitation of our university the president of Kolobrzeg Janusz Gromek and CEO of the Port of Kolobrzeg, Henryk Rupnik joined the enterprise.

Authorities of the Maritime University of Szczecin, represented by the Vice-Rector for Maritime Affairs, Andrzej Bak, PhD, Master Mariner, made the training vessel M / V Navigator XXI with all hands on deck, available to assist the regatta.

Special rank to the regatta added the presence of the President of ISSA, Joan Basacoma, the organizer of most of sailing schools, operating under the aegis of the ISSA Global in Europe.

On the first day of the regatta, for long was not known whether the crews manage to go to sea due to weather conditions. Wind power on that day exceeded 6 on the Beaufort scale, and gusts reached up to eight, sea conditions - more than 4, the height of the waves reached up to 3m - the conditions were pretty stormy. However, the organizational committee with the main judge after a consultation with the sailors decided to exit to the sea. At the starting line and finish line, which marked the m / v Navigator XXI and buoy number 1, about 2 nautical miles from the coast at an altitude of Kolobrzeg piers the biggest yachts started their racing. Nature proved to be stronger for two of the yachts taking part in this race. One of them lost her mast and the sails of the other one were grabbed by wind. The rest of the boats finished their struggles with a stormy sea safely.

On the second day Neptune was more merciful to us and let carry out two runs in perfect conditions for sailing. That day at the starting line there were many yachts and every one of them without any failures completed two runs over a distance of more than 6m.

The culmination of the race after the arrival of all units at the port was the awarding of trophies, awards, diplomas and gifts for all participants of the sailing competitions.

In the final ranking, the first place went to the MALA boat’s crew with skipper Stanislaw Jankowski winning Kolobrzeg Mayor’s Cup, which was presented by the Vice President of Kolobrzeg, Jerzy Wolski. After counting points the second place occupied the boat HAYKA with the skipper Wieslaw Księżopolski, and the third went to the boat NORDAL with skipper Grzegorz Nordal Haberowski.

The prize for first place in the course of President Cup was handed in by Joan Basacoma, the President of ISSA to Krzysztof Fojucik, the skipper of OFO.

One of the most important awards was the Fair Play Cup. One of the skippers reported withdrawal from the race on the first day of the race to save the crew of a broken mast. After a quick consultation with the crew of the damaged yacht it turned out that there was no such necessity, which allowed the crew to continue to run the yacht HAYKA with their skipper Wieslaw Księżopolski. For his great attitude and willingness to help, Vice-Rector for Maritime Affairs of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Andrzej Bak handed him in the Fair Play Cup of the Rector of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Prof. Stanislaw Gucma.

Thus, the 1st Regatta Festival of Sails Kolobrzeg 2013 came to an end.

The Maritime University of Szczecin, as a co-organizer of the event would like to thank for participating in the competition all the contestants for their struggle sailing and the President of the ISSA Poland, Tomasz Lipski, who showed great determination and commitment in preparing the event. Thanks go also to the Port of Kolobrzeg for their participation and access to places in the marina. For the participation in the entire project, thanks to our sponsors, without whom such a large event could not be held. Each of the crew members received prizes donated by businesses: ISSA, Waeco, Mobicool, Group One Yachts and Nautica Company of Kolobrzeg. However, for ensuring the safety of the water special thanks to firefighters of Kolobrzeg OSP Triton.

We hope that the Festival of Sails ISSA will be permanently inscribed in the calendar of Kolobrzeg Salt Marina regattas.

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