Best wishes for the Christmas season and the New Year from the MUS Rector Wojciech Ślączka, PhD, Eng., Master Mariner, MUS Professor.

I wish the entire Community of the Maritime University of Szczecin, our Friends and seafarers on the seas a peaceful Christmas season, let it be an opportunity to pause and a moment of repose.
I hope that the New Year 2024 will be full of new opportunities and challenges, but also balance and fulfilled dreams.
MUS Rector
Wojciech Ślączka, PhD, Eng., Master Mariner, MUS Professor
All I Want for Christmas is You evergreen performed by our Maritime University of Szczecin Choir
I hope that the New Year 2024 will be full of new opportunities and challenges, but also balance and fulfilled dreams.
MUS Rector
Wojciech Ślączka, PhD, Eng., Master Mariner, MUS Professor
All I Want for Christmas is You evergreen performed by our Maritime University of Szczecin Choir