The research team led by prof. Tadeusz Szelangiewicz from the Department of Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding, MUS, conducted the operation of the entire computer system and measurement and navigation equipment installed in the model of an autonomous ship.

The equipment and communication with the land station were tested. Tests were carried out in real time. All the images from cameras and lidars were recorded, parameters from GNSS antennas and compass were checked. As prof. Tadeusz Szelangiewicz: - All systems and devices work very well, and based on new experiences, we will introduce modifications and even better solutions (mainly broadband data transmission, e.g. image over long distances). We now plan to improve program for autonomous control and continue the tests - he adds.
The latest tests of the unmanned transport ship model confirmed that the propulsion system used (two aft azimuth thrusters and two bow thrusters) has excellent maneuvering properties that will be necessary on a real autonomous ship.
In the open water area, it was confirmed that the installed system, fully equipped with measurement sensors and navigation devices, allows for the performance of all functions during autonomous control. Marine measurement and navigation devices will be installed on the actual ship. The devices used in the ship model have the same functionalities as those used in shipping. The conducted tests concerned mainly the equipment installed in the ship model, interpretation of the measured parameters and their transmission and registration at the land station (GSC). The autonomous model control software itself has not been studied in detail - such tests will be carried out in the next stage of experimental research.
The tests took place in an open water area in calm weather, i.e. without waves or strong winds.
- Such research has not only a scientific and development dimension in the context of developing a new, proprietary technology, it is also an adventure for us - declares prof. Szelangiewicz.
A prototype model of an autonomous ship was created at the Department of Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding. The ship model is 3.15 m long, 0.46 m wide, 0.17 m draft.
The developed computer system of autonomous control, during the task performed by the ship model (e.g. cruise along a given route and performing an anti-collision maneuver) must receive the necessary information not only about the ship's motion parameters (position, speed, course), but also information or warnings about a fixed or moving obstacle (another floating vessel).
The model of the unmanned ship was equipped with the following measurement and navigation devices, connected to the I / O cards of the computer system:
• lidars working in the range of 360˚ (bow and stern),
• GNSS receivers (bow and stern),
• electronic compass,
• HD cameras (bow and stern).
The latest tests of the unmanned transport ship model confirmed that the propulsion system used (two aft azimuth thrusters and two bow thrusters) has excellent maneuvering properties that will be necessary on a real autonomous ship.
In the open water area, it was confirmed that the installed system, fully equipped with measurement sensors and navigation devices, allows for the performance of all functions during autonomous control. Marine measurement and navigation devices will be installed on the actual ship. The devices used in the ship model have the same functionalities as those used in shipping. The conducted tests concerned mainly the equipment installed in the ship model, interpretation of the measured parameters and their transmission and registration at the land station (GSC). The autonomous model control software itself has not been studied in detail - such tests will be carried out in the next stage of experimental research.
The tests took place in an open water area in calm weather, i.e. without waves or strong winds.
- Such research has not only a scientific and development dimension in the context of developing a new, proprietary technology, it is also an adventure for us - declares prof. Szelangiewicz.
A prototype model of an autonomous ship was created at the Department of Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding. The ship model is 3.15 m long, 0.46 m wide, 0.17 m draft.
The developed computer system of autonomous control, during the task performed by the ship model (e.g. cruise along a given route and performing an anti-collision maneuver) must receive the necessary information not only about the ship's motion parameters (position, speed, course), but also information or warnings about a fixed or moving obstacle (another floating vessel).
The model of the unmanned ship was equipped with the following measurement and navigation devices, connected to the I / O cards of the computer system:
• lidars working in the range of 360˚ (bow and stern),
• GNSS receivers (bow and stern),
• electronic compass,
• HD cameras (bow and stern).