Title: Analysis of the impact of selected hydrometeorological conditions on the accuracy of oil spill simulations on the PISCES II simulator
Author/Authors: Dorota Jarząbek, Wiesław Juszkiewicz
Place of publication: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, no. 46 / 2016 pp.
Year: 2016
Keywords: hydrometeorological conditions, oil spill simulation, oil pollution characteristic, oil pollution behawior
Abstract: Computer simulations used for predicting the behavior of oil spills at sea allow optimizing the deployment of oil
spill response personnel and resources, and using the backtracking method to identify the polluter in cases where spills are sighted some time after they occurred. Predicting the direction and speed of oil slick spreading is of fundamental importance. An attempt was made to verify the influence of selected simulation parameters related to
hydrometeorological conditions, on the behavior of the resulting oil pollution. Different responses were obtained under the same simulated weather conditions, depending on the type of spilled oil. The experiment was conducted on a PISCES II oil spill simulator.
Website adress (link) to the full text of the publication: full text
DOI: 10.17402/115