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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

Scientific publications Piotr Wołejsza

Title: Beam search algorithm for anti-collision trajectory planning for many-to-many encounter situations with autonomous surface vehicles

Author/Authors: Jolanta Koszelew, Joanna Karbowska-Chilinska, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Piotr Kuczyński, Eric Kulbiej, Piotr Wołejsza

Place of publication: SENSORS, vol. 20, no. 15, pp. 4115

Year: 2020

Keywords: anti-collision trajectories, many-to-many encounter situation, autonomous surface vehicle, beam search algorithm (BSA), multi-surface vehicle beam search algorithm (MBSA)

Abstract: A single anti-collision trajectory generation problem for an “own” vessel only is significantly different from the challenge of generating a whole set of safe trajectories for multi-surface vehicle encounter situations in the open sea. Effective solutions for such problems are needed these days, as we are entering the era of autonomous ships. The article specifies the problem of anti-collision trajectory planning in many-to-many encounter situations. The proposed original multi-surface vehicle beam search algorithm (MBSA), based on the beam search strategy, solves the problem. The general idea of the MBSA involves the application of a solution for one-to-many encounter situations (using the beam search algorithm, BSA), which was tested on real automated radar plotting aid (ARPA) and automatic identification system (AIS) data. The test results for the MBSA were from simulated data, which are discussed in the final part. The article specifies the problem of anti-collision trajectory planning in many-to-many encounter situations involving moving autonomous surface vehicles, excluding Collision Regulations (COLREGs) and vehicle dynamics.

Title: Future competencies for the Innovative Industry

Author/Authors: Veneta Hristova, Piotr Wołejsza

Place of publication: Сборник с научни изследвания от годишната конференция на Стоапнския факултет на ВТУ “Св. св. Кирил и Методий”,, vol. 3, pp. 173-183

Year: 2019

Keywords: competences, education, innovation, Industry 4.0, entrepreneurship

Abstract: In the last published PISA results (2015, Programme for International Student Assessment) Bulgarian and Polish fifteen-year-olds scored differently. While Polish teenagers ranked 10th in the category of Sciences, the 5th in Reading and 8th position in Mathematics category, the Bulgarian Peers took respectively 26th, 28th and 27th position. While Bulgarian well below the European average, Polish far above the European average. Two different worlds? Really? In the ranking of innovativeness of the European Union, Poland usually takes around the 25th place (ranking covers only 28 countries). The number of patents per capita is even worse. Bulgaria in this ranking is next to Poland. Authors of the article try to answer the question, why Bulgaria and Poland are far behind European leaders and what is the way to be on the top? The analysis was carried out in the context of future competences taking into account that 65% of children starting education will work in occupations that do not exist yet (2016, OECD).

Title: Beam Search Algorithm for Ship Anti-Collision Trajectory Planning

Author/Authors: Joanna Karbowska-Chilińska, Joanna Koszelew, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Piotr Kuczyński, Erick Kulbiej, Piotr Wołejsza

Place of publication: SENSORS, vol. 19, no. 24, pp. 5338

Year: 2019

Keywords: anti-collision trajectories, navigational decision support system, autonomous ship, beam search algorithm (BSA)

Abstract: The biggest challenges in the maritime environment are accidents and excessive fuel consumption. In order to improve the safety of navigation at sea and to reduce fuel consumption, the strategy of anti-collision, shortest trajectory planning is proposed. The strategy described in this paper is based on the beam search method. The beam search algorithm (BSA) takes into account many safe trajectories for the present ship and chooses the best in terms of length and other criteria. The risk of collision of present ship with any target ships is detected when the closest point of approach (CPA) of the present ship is violated by the target ship’s planned trajectory. Only course alteration of the present ship is applied, and not speed alteration. The algorithm has been implemented in the decision support system NAVDEC and tested in a real navigation environment on the m/f Wolin, a Polish ferry. Almost all BSA trajectories calculated were shorter in comparison to the standard NAVDEC-calculated algorithm.

Title of monograph: Baltic Geodetic Congress 2018

Title of chapter: Autonomous Vessel with an Air Look

Author/Authors: Jolanta Koszelew, Piotr Wołejsza, Daniel Oldziej

Year: 2018

Keywords: marine technology, marine safety, collision avoidance, image processing, object detection, autonomous vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, information and communication

Abstract: This article presents the conception and assumptions of innovative technology under the acronym AVAL - Autonomous Vessel with an Air Look concerning on Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) which applies UAV for the collection of additional navigation data. The AVAL technology is now developed as an R & D project co-financed by the National Research and Development Center in Poland. The aim of the AVAL project [1] is developing a technology of autonomous marine vessel, which is integrated with navigation devices, autopilots and control systems of the modern ship. AVAL constitutes a breakthrough innovation in the market of maritime transport. One of them is UAV, which is responsible for observation, detection, and recognition of objects in the nearby area. Others are autonomous navigation, automatic negotiations and communication.

ISBN: 978-1-5386-4899-5


Title of chapter: More Entrepreneurial Life at European Schools – innovative project approach in the development of business skills in academia

Author/Authors: Piotr Wołejsza, Bogusz Wiśnicki

Year: 2018

Keywords: entrepreneurship, academic education

Abstract: The article is the result of collaboration and research within two projects: MELES (More Entrepreneurial Life at European Schools) realized in 2014-2017 and its continuation named ABC (Academic Business Coach) - MELES 2.0. Both projects are co-financed under the Erasmus+ Programme within the framework of the Action - Strategic Partnerships for higher education. The aim of the article is to analyse the support process for academic entrepreneurship. The main output of the MELES project - the Entrepreneurship Course is discussed and the specific needs of the support for business-oriented students are presented. The support activities include compilation of the Entrepreneurship Advanced Course and individual support provided by the Academic Business Coach (ABC). The description of the ABC’s duties and role in the academic environment is given. The ABC methodology can be regarded as an institutional answer to lack of effective entrepreneurial approach in the system of higher education in Europe.

ISBN: 978-3-942100-57-1

Title of monograph: Baltic Geodetic Congress 2018

Title of chapter: Analysis of Possibilities How Collision between Kraslava and Atlantic Lady Could Have Been Avoided

Author/Authors: Piotr Wołejsza, Eric Kulbiej

Year: 2018

Keywords: Marine vehicles, Accidents, Meters, Satellite navigation systems, Artificial intelligence, Marine navigation

Abstract: The paper depicts the simulation results of a colliding accident between m/v “Kraslava” and m/v “Atlantic Lady”. The investigation was performed by common means of navigation decision support system (NDSS) in collision circumstances and software premeditated to generate maneuvering simulations of maritime vessels. NAVDEC works out anti-collision maneuver by means of AIS (Automatic Identification System) and ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids) data, additionally, the maneuvering calculations stem from ships’ hull and engine data. Then they are handled by specialized computing algorithms and presented to the user on a display in the alphanumeric and graphic methods. The data on the specific navigational situation from the report of Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board was used to produce signals transmitted to the NDSS in form of NMEA messages.

ISBN: 978-1-5386-4899-5

Title of monograph: Marine Navigation

Title of chapter: Naval Artificial Intelligence

Author/Authors: Eric Kulbiej, Piotr Wołejsza

Year: 2017

Keywords: autonomous vessel, decision support, naval intelligence

Abstract: The following paper focuses on an analysis of a comprehensive system of nautical vessel’s artificial intelligence. Such a complex structure should compromise a number of parallel major and minor items of vessel’s equipment in order to maintain correct management of the vessel itself. Stemming from individual interests of the authors, an attempt to generalize a theoretical basis for a naval artificial intelligence (NAI) is presented. The definition of NAI and its components is derived and discussed. Schematics of an algorithm is proposed; the NAI as a virtual managing party of a vessel’s deck and engine department, maintaining safe navigation and the freightage of the cargo as well as harbour operations.

ISBN: 978-1-138-02859-3

Title of monograph: Marine Navigation

Title of chapter: Model Research of Navigational Support System Cooperation in Collision Scenario

Author/Authors: Piotr Wołejsza, Eric Kulbiej

Year: 2017

Keywords: Decision support systems, Collision scenarios, Decision support tools, Practical use, S-bridge, Support systems

Abstract: The purpose of following paper is to analyse how a navigational support system would behave in a collision situation upon encountering another vessel also steered by a NSS. This case study of two AI-driven vessels is executed under laboratory circumstances within the use of Navdec System, a navigational decision support tool established as a direct aid to the vessel’s bridge Officer team. Decisions undertaken by the Navdec are compared to the experience-based choices of the Master in the exact case. Latter analysis of experiment’s outcome is given as a premise for the real introduction of a NSS into practical use.

ISBN: 978-1-138-29762-3

Title of monograph: European Navigation Conference 2017

Title of chapter: Proof-of-concept demonstrator to Improve Safety of Maritime navigation in the Baltic Sea

Author/Authors: Sarang Thombre, Robert Guinness, Heidi Kuusniemi, Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, Paweł Banaś, Piotr Wołejsza, Olli Seppälä, Juhani Laukkanen, Philippe Ghawi

Year: 2017

Keywords: Decision support system, situational awareness, crowdsourcing, navigation

Abstract: This paper describes the proof-of-concept demonstrator implemented as part of the project Enhanced Situational Awareness to Improve Maritime Safety in the Baltic (BONUS ESABALT). The demonstrator represents the system as used in different classes of vessels including leisure craft (small boats), larger ships, and authority vessels. Various validation scenarios are implemented to demonstrate the system functionality, for example application of ESABALT to aid in recovery operations after an oil spill, rerouting in the presence of significant sea-ice, aiding vessel navigation in case of a GNSS interference event, and situations where multiple ships are in distress. The demonstrator is implemented on a laptop computer and using the FURUNO FFSC-200 software environment, FURUNO Finland FICE-100 ice radar and FOIL-200 oil radar, live ship data from AIS receivers, dashboard camera, and the FURUNO Navisimu simulator environment. The simulated data include AIS tracks, radar echo and tracks, and small boat tracks. The paper also describes the implementation challenges, quality of service factors, and results of the economic and non-economic viability analysis of the proposed ESABALT system for potential full-implementation in the future. This study shows that the system would be cost-effective and the benefits to international cooperation, maritime safety, and environmental monitoring would outweigh the management costs necessary to sustain it.

ISBN: 978-1-5090-5922-5

Title: Determination of the last moment manoeuvre for collision avoidance using standards for ships maneuverability

Author/Authors: Jolanta Koszelew, Piotr Wołejsza

Place of publication: Annual of Navigation, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 301-314

Year: 2017

Keywords: anti-collision, decision support system, COLREG

Abstract: The paper presents a concept of the new algorithm solving Last Moment Manoeuvre problem. Last Moment Manoueuvre means that action taken only by one vessel is not enough to avoid collision. This is why both vessels have to synchronize their manoeuvres to pass each other. The main focus of the proposed solution is concentrated on the procedure defining the best possible manoeuvre for each vessel when avoiding a collision is no longer possible. For simplification, the assumption that the parameters of the vessels involved in the Last Moment Manoeuvre meet Standards for Ships Manoeuvrability set out in the IMO resolution, will be adopted. The algorithm presented in the paper will be implemented and tested in the commercial system.

Title: Analysis and generation of messages in an automatic communication system at sea

Author/Authors: Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, Paweł Banaś, Paulina Hatłas-Sowińska, Piotr Wołejsza

Place of publication: Archives of Transport System Telematics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 38-44

Year: 2017

Keywords: automatic communication, message interpretation, navigation

Abstract: The development of unmanned remotely controlled and autonomous vehicles necessitates seeking new and improving existing systems of communications between such objects themselves and control or monitoring centers. This applies to maritime transport and other areas of transport. The article characterizes communication processes between the navigators on ships taking place via VHF in view of their automation. Some of the issues concerning analysis processes of message reception and generation of outgoing messages resulting from automatic reasoning are discussed. We also consider selected operations: message parsing, interpretation of data concerning the context and generation of outgoing message. An example is given of the analysis of the received message and corresponding answer.

Title: Implementation of the anti-collision system on m/f Wawel

Author/Authors: Piotr Wołejsza, Jolanta Koszelew

Place of publication: Annual of Navigation, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 327-346

Year: 2017

Keywords: anti-collision, decision support, Navdec

Abstract: Navigation systems for ships, which are currently sold on the global market do not provide solutions of collision situations taking account of all the vessels in the proximity of own ship, where the COLREGs is applied. This paper presents end-user feedback concerning functionality of NAVDEC – an innovative navigational decision supporting system both for ocean going ships and pleasure crafts. Verification of NAVDEC functionalities was carried out in real conditions on board Motor Ferry Wawel (m/f Wawel), which belongs to the Polferries (PŻB). During the journey to/from Nynashamn system was tested by test-users (professional vessels navigators). Some important suggestions for the future improvement of the system are considered.

Title: Nauczanie przedsiębiorczości na kierunkach technicznych w polskich uczelniach

Author/Authors: Maciej Kopczyński, Jolanta Koszelew, Bogusz Wiśnicki, Piotr Wołejsza

Place of publication: Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. XXII, no. 24 (1/2017), pp. 107-118

Year: 2017

Keywords: entrepreneurship, teaching, higher education, multidisciplinary

Abstract: The article is the result of a two-year research cooperation of the Maritime Academy in Szczecin and Bialystok University of Technology with foreign partners, in the framework of the project MELES (More Entrepreneurial Life at European Schools) funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. The main result of the project is the curriculum of Entrepreneurship course for multidisciplinary group of students and its implementation at universities. The authors describe determinants of academic teaching of business-oriented courses and an experience in this field of leading European and the USA universities. Presented examples of “good practice” come from: Stanford University and the University of California in the United States, Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, the Technical University in Munich (Germany) and the Finnish Polytechnics Entrepreneur-Ship Network in Finland. Examination of changes made to curriculum in 2009–2015 based on selected engineer fields of study is carried out at three universities (Maritime University of Szczecin, Bialystok Technical University and Warsaw University of Technology). The teaching methods and programs of entrepreneurship courses in the academic year 2015/2016 at the selected universities are discussed. Detailed and general conclusions as well as recommendations for the program councils of technical universities responsible for the development and implementation of entrepreneurship courses are drawn on this basis. Special attention is devoted to aspect of multidisciplinary approach as well as to overcoming barriers of courses implementation.

Title: Fundamental principles of passage planning for autonomous vessels

Author/Authors: Piotr Wołejsza, Eric Kulbiej

Place of publication: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 52, no. 124, pp. 90-94

Year: 2017

Keywords: autonomous vessel, mathematical navigation, decision support system, NAVADEC, AVAL, planning

Abstract: This article aims to depict the fundamentals of passage planning and route management for an autonomous vessels (AV). It presents a derivation of such a voyage passage plan, its step-by-step analysis, and a comparison to its conventional equivalent. This passage plan consists of four major parts: dock and harbour, en route, approach, and mooring stages. The whole activity of passage planning itself may be divided into the following stages: appraisal, planning, execution, and monitoring. The paper concludes with an overview of potential future applications and use of mentioned content.

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