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Unia Europejska

Scientific publications Piotr Borkowski

Title: Adaptive System for steering a Ship Along the Desired Route

Author/Authors: Piotr Borkowski

Place of publication: Mathematics, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 196

Year: 2018

Keywords: track-keeping, automatic ship control, adaptive control system, linear quadratic regulator (LQR)

Abstract: An adaptive ship steering system along a preset track is an example of an intelligent system. An optimal linear quadratic regulator (LQR) regulator with a symmetric indicator of control quality was adopted as the control algorithm. The model identification was based on the continuous version of the least squares method. A significant part of the article presents the proof of the stability of the proposed system. The results of the calculation experiments are provided to confirm the effective and correct working of the system.

Title: Numerical modeling of wave disturbances in the process of ship movement control

Author/Authors: Piotr Borkowski

Place of publication: Algorithms, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 130

Year: 2018

Keywords: sea waves, wave disturbance modelling, spectrum of wave angular speed

Abstract: The article presents a numerical model of sea wave generation as an implementation of the stochastic process with a spectrum of wave angular velocity. Based on the wave spectrum, a forming filter is determined, and its input is fed with white noise. The resulting signal added to the angular speed of a ship represents disturbances acting on the ship’s hull as a result of wave impact. The model was used for simulation tests of the influence of disturbances on the course stabilization system of the ship.

Title: Inference Engine in an Intelligent Ship Course-Keeping System

Author/Authors: Piotr Borkowski

Place of publication: Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2017, pp. 9

Year: 2017

Keywords: Inference Engine

Abstract: The article presents an original design of an expert system, whose function is to automatically stabilize ship’s course. The focus is put on the inference engine, a mechanism that consists of two functional components. One is responsible for the construction of state space regions, implemented on the basis of properly processed signals recorded by sensors from the input and output of an object. The other component is responsible for generating a control decision based on the knowledge obtained in the first module. The computing experiments described herein prove the effective and correct operation of the proposed system.

Title: The Ship Movement Trajectory Prediction Algorithm Using Navigational Data Fusion

Author/Authors: Piotr Borkowski

Place of publication: SENSORS, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1432

Year: 2017

Keywords: prediction of ship movement trajectory, navigational data fusion, navigational decision support system

Abstract: It is essential for the marine navigator conducting maneuvers of his ship at sea to know future positions of himself and target ships in a specific time span to effectively solve collision situations. This article presents an algorithm of ship movement trajectory prediction, which, through data fusion, takes into account measurements of the ship’s current position from a number of doubled autonomous devices. This increases the reliability and accuracy of prediction. The algorithm has been implemented in NAVDEC, a navigation decision support system and practically used on board ships.

Title: Decision Support in Collision Situations at Sea

Author/Authors: Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, Piotr Wołejsza, Piotr Borkowski

Place of publication: JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 447-464

Year: 2017

Keywords: Navigation, Collision avoidance, Decision support system

Abstract: The known navigational systems in use perform information functions and as such are helpful in the process of safe conduct of a vessel. One of the ways to assist in reducing the number of marine accidents is the development of systems which perform decision support functions, i.e. automatically generate solutions to collision situations. The use of information (and communication) technologies including knowledge engineering allows the generation of proposals for anti-collision manoeuvres taking into account the COLREGs. Demand for further enhancement of navigational safety by limiting human errors has initiated a trend to convert navigational information systems into decision support systems. The implementation of decision support systems will potentially reduce the number of human errors, which translates into a reduction of accidents at sea and their adverse consequences. This paper presents a summary of the research to date on the navigational decision support system NAVDEC. The system has been positively verified in laboratory conditions and in field tests – on a motor ferry and a sailing ship. Challenges associated with the development and implementation of such systems are outlined.

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