Scientific publications Mariusz Dramski
Title of monograph: Advances in Maritime Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Title of chapter: Application of the BPMN Models in Maritime Transport
Author/Authors: Mariusz Dramski
Year: 2019
Keywords: business Process Modeling Notation
Abstract: Bussines Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a very useful tool in process modeling. The universal character of this approach lets also to apply this methodology into other areas of science, bussines, etc.
ISBN: 978-0-367-35760-3
Title of monograph: Development of Transport by Telematics
Title of chapter: AIS Data Acquisition for Intelligent System for Obtaining Statistics
Author/Authors: Mariusz Dramski, Marcin Mąka
Year: 2019
Keywords: AIS, data mining, intelligent systms, intelligent statistics
Abstract: In this paper the AIS data acquisition procedure for intelligent system for obtaining statistics is described. During this procedure several problems occurred and the way to solve them is presented. The aim of such data acquisition is to prepare them for an intelligent system which can be applied by different institutions responsible for creating the transport politics in Poland. This paper is also the introduction to the new project realized by the Maritime University of Szczecin with other cooperating institutions.
ISBN: 978-3-030-27546-4
Title: Guidelines for recording transport event logs
Author/Authors: Mariusz Dramski
Place of publication: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 53, no. 125, pp. 102-105
Year: 2018
Keywords: process mining, event log, XES, CSV
Abstract: A process is an ordered set of related activities taking place in a given time. Processes are present in all branches of the economy, engineering, science, etc. Due to the huge amount of data produced the rapid development of data mining techniques has been observed. Similar methods are also used in the context of processes and are called process mining. The main task of process mining is to create a process model, which is used to reason about the process and to make decisions inside it. The process model may be used to discuss responsibilities, simulations, predictions, etc. The main data structures in process mining are event logs. It is always very important to have correct data which makes creating a reliable process model possible. In this paper the basic guidelines for recording such event logs have been described and conclusions were drawn. The main focus of this research was transport problems.
Title: Analiza opóźnień samolotów pasażerskich z wykorzystaniem reguł asocjacynych
Author/Authors: Mariusz Dramski, Marcin Mąka
Place of publication: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, vol. 226, no. 12, pp. 755-757
Year: 2018
Keywords: associacion rules, flight’s delays, air transport
Abstract: Wydajność transportu pasażerskiego w tym lotnictwa cywilnego, jest kluczowa dla światowej gospodarki. Jednym z głównych czynników oceny linii lotniczych przez pasażerów jest punktualność. Należy tu uwzględnić również fakt, iż siec połączeń miedzy lotniskami na całym świecie jest niezwykle skomplikowana.
Title: Propozycja algorytmu wykrywania zmian kursu i prędkości śledzonego obiektu
Author/Authors: Marcin Mąka, Mariusz Dramski
Place of publication: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, vol. 226, no. 12, pp. 783-786
Year: 2018
Keywords: wykrywanie manewru, predykcja, obszar ograniczony
Abstract: Proces wyboru drogi w obszarze ograniczonym wymaga znajomości nie tylko samego obszaru, ale także bieżącego oraz przyszłego położenia innych poruszających się w nim obiektów. Zadanie to jest stosunkowo proste w przypadku gdy śledzone obiekty nie zmieniają kierunku ruchu oraz prędkości.
Title: Clusterization methods in detecting the restricted areas for sea transport
Author/Authors: Mariusz Dramski
Place of publication: Archives of Transport System Telematics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 24-27
Year: 2017
Keywords: data mining, Clusterization, restricted areas
Abstract: Clusterization is one of the data mining techniqes which is responsible for classifying data. Selection of the proper parameters leads to some desider clusters behavior. This fact can be used in detecting the restricted area for ships and other units.
Title of monograph: Marine Navigation
Title of chapter: Inductive mining in Modeling of the Ship’s Route
Author/Authors: Mariusz Dramski
Year: 2017
Keywords: inductive mining, ship’s route
Abstract: Every ship’s route can be treated as some set of sequences consisting of some activities. This set is called a process. The process can be a subject of further research leading to it’s improvement and ensure e.g. the operational support. One of the techniques used in this task is inductive mining. Inductive mining is a simply and efficient approach to build a model of the process. In this paper an example of such research is described. The data was obtained by tracking the real route - the yacht going from Szczecin (Poland) to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). The event log (the data) is very various due to the specific type of the cruise. This fact leads to observe some interesting conclusions in modeling of the process.
ISBN: 978-1-138-29762-3
Title of monograph: Smart Solutions in Today’s Transport
Title of chapter: Missing Data Problem in the Event Logs of Transport Processes
Author/Authors: Mariusz Dramski
Year: 2017
Keywords: Marine navigation, PNT, IMO, Data processing, e-Navigation
Abstract: In the paper the Authors present draft Guidelines for Shipborne Position, Navigation and Timing Data Processing elaborated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) [1]. The purpose of these Guidelines is to enhance the safety and efficiency of navigation by improved provision of position, navigation and timing (PNT) data to bridge teams (including pilots) and shipboard applications (e.g. AIS, ECDIS, etc.). The shipborne provision of resilient PNT data is realized through the combined use of on-board hardware and software components. The shipborne PNT Data Processing (PNP-DP) is the core repository for principles and functions used for the provision of reliable and resilient PNT data. These Guidelines define principles and functions for on-board PNT data processing taking into account the scalability of PNT-DP. Within the e-Navigation strategy the IMO has identified the user need on improved reliability, resilience and integrity of bridge equipment and navigation information as one of the five prioritized e-Navigation solutions, whereby the resilient provision of PNT data acts as Risk Control Option.
ISBN: 978-3-319-66250-3