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Unia Europejska

Scientific publications Marcin Breitsprecher

Title: Navigators’ Behavior Analysis Using Data Mining

Author/Authors: Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, Mirosław Wielgosz, Marcin Breitsprecher

Place of publication: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 50

Year: 2020

Keywords: behavior patterns, sea navigation, safety profile, data mining

Abstract: One of the ways to prevent accidents at sea is to detect risks caused by humans and to counteract them. These tasks can be executed through an analysis of ship maneuvers and the identification of behavior considered to be potentially dangerous, e.g., based on data obtained online from the automatic identification system (AIS). As a result, additional measures or actions can be taken, e.g., passing at a distance greater than previously planned. The detection of risks at sea requires a prior definition of behavior patterns and the criteria assigned to them. Each pattern represents a specific navigator’s safety profile. The criteria assigned to each pattern for the identification of the navigator’s safety profile were determined from previously recorded AIS data. Due to a large amount of data and their complex relationships, these authors have proposed to use data mining tools. This work continues previous research on this subject. The conducted analysis covered data recorded in simulation tests done by navigators. Typical ship encounter situations were included. Based on additional simulation data, the patterns of behavior were verified for the determination of a navigator’s safety profile. An example of using the presented method is given.

Title of monograph: Development of Transport by Telematics

Title of chapter: The Determination of the Sea Navigator Safety Profile Using Data Mining

Author/Authors: Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, Mirosław Wielgosz, Marcin Breitsprecher

Year: 2019

Keywords: sea navigation, navigator, safety profile, data mining

Abstract: A person steering a transport vehicle needs to have qualifications confirmed by appropriate certificates. The holder of the certificates has to satisfy the criteria for a transport vehicle operator set under mandatory examination procedures. The operator safety profile, identified on the basis of psychological assessment, can essentially complement these criteria. The profile can be broadened from a comprehensive analysis of operator’s actual behaviour, based on electronic data from recorders installed in the vehicle. In shipping, the data would come mainly from the automatic identification system and voyage data recorders. This article proposes to use data mining tools for an analysis and identification of selected characteristics of sea navigator’s safety profile.

ISBN: 978-3-030-27546-4

Autor: Website Administrator

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