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Unia Europejska

Scientific publications Andrzej Lisaj

Title: Implementation of e-Navigation Strategies for RIS Centers Supporting Inland Navigation

Author/Authors: Andrzej Lisaj

Place of publication: TransNav-International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 145-149

Year: 2019

Keywords: e-Navigation, RIS

Abstract: The article presents at e-Navigation strategy and implementation plan for RIS centres supporting inland navigation. The author describes the RIS centre system architecture and modules collaborating in the process of data transmission based on e-Navigation technologies. The functional requirements of e-Navigation strategies for distress communications procedures and ensuring the safety of inland navigation in compliance with the EU directives are described. The components of e-Navigation, which integrate state-of-the-art satellite and terrestrial radio communications systems in the process of effective and efficient management of navigational data transmission, are presented. The feasibility of implementation of e-Navigation strategies for the Multifunctional Communication System integrating digital and analog data processing systems in maritime and inland navigation are analysed. A technological model of the Maritime Navigation Cloud supporting data exchange in the e-Navigation system is put forward.

Title: Methods of data transmission for inland navigation

Author/Authors: Andrzej Lisaj

Place of publication: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 53, no. 125, pp. 138-144

Year: 2018

Keywords: data transmission, River Information Services (RIS), communication technology

Abstract: Advanced new methods of data transmission used in River Information Services are described. Implementation of GMDSS subsystems and analyses of the feasibility of applying satellite-based telecommunications systems to integrated navigational data transmission at the RIS-PL is discussed. This article presents a model of the architecture and deployment of radio communication systems in inland waterway and sea-river navigation. The processing of navigational data, transmitted during electronic ship reporting and used in inland shipping, is described. The new BICS standard for the processing and transmission of navigational data in inland navigation is presented. The author evaluates the advantages of the new radio communications technology for the safety of inland waterway vessel traffic.

Title: The BICS - Advanced Method of the Electronic Ship Reporting for the RIS Centre

Author/Authors: Andrzej Lisaj, Andrzej Smacki, Janusz Uriasz

Place of publication: Annual of Navigation, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 231-243

Year: 2017

Keywords: River Information Services, Electronic Ship Reporting, processing and navigational data transmission

Abstract: The article presents principles of transmission and processing of the data in electronic reporting of river ships used in inland navigation. The new standard of electronic reporting of ships was shown — system Barge Information and Communication System (BICS). Results and analysis of surveys of real duplex transmission of data in BICS system for purpose of RIS Centre were presented.

Title: Radiocommunication event allocation model for a selected sea area

Author/Authors: Marcin Mąka, Piotr Majzner, Andrzej Lisaj

Place of publication: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, vol. 50, no. 122, pp. 52-58

Year: 2017

Keywords: radiocommunication, GMDSS, allocation model

Abstract: This article presents the structure of a model of the allocation of radiocommunication events at coastal radio stations, land-based satellite stations and on vessels in sea area A3. The propagation of radio waves in the HF band has been analyzed to examine the range of various radio stations and their capabilities of establishing communication between each other. We also present methods of modeling and displaying the deployment of individual stations, of presenting radiocommunication events as a function of time using time diagrams, as well as the manner of the chronological presentation of radiocommunication events and related decisions. It has been shown that there is a relationship between the effectiveness of communication and propagation conditions that is strongly dependent on the time-of-day. We present the need to develop a decision support system for the radio operator on the bridge.

Title: Integrated Communications Platform for RIS Cenetres Supporting Inland Navigation

Author/Authors: Andrzej Lisaj

Place of publication: TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 107-110

Year: 2017

Keywords: communication, RIS

Abstract: This article looks at the architecture of the Integrated Communications Platform for the RIS Centres supporting inland navigation. It analyses the feasibility of application of satellite-based telecommunications, localization and navigation systems in inland navigation, and presents methods of integration of radio communications systems which carry out distress communications algorithms and procedures in inland navigation. Feasibility of integration of the AIS-SART and AIS-Satellite, guidance and positioning subsystems into the RIS Centre is examined. The technical specifications of the FleetBroadband and Mini-VSAT systems are examined for usability in the multifunctional information service of the RIS Centre Communications Platform.

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