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Unia Europejska

Training for student Additional training

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Training for student

Take a look at the training offer prepared by the MUS Main Library:

1. General information about the library 

Guided tour of the reading rooms, the lending library, assistance with library registration and use of stationary resources.
2.  Integro library catalog and its functionalities

Basic information about the Integro catalog, library account and search result filters will be presented.
3Electronic sources of scientific information - online databases

The training includes commercial databases and open educational resource sites. During the training, the databases purchased by the Maritime Academy in Szczecin and the operation of the EDS multi-search engine will be presented. The librarian conducting the training will present how to log in to the remote desktop for people outside the university network. 
If you are interested in the given topics or other library issues, please contact us:
Dominika Szycko (91 48 09 703)
Autor: Website Administrator

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