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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

Database on-line Password access only

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Password protected databases are available only to MUS staff and students. Please send your login and password request from your university email address to:
  1. Equip4ship
  2. Findaport
  3. IMO-Vega Database
  4. Morski Wortal (Maritime Vertical Portal)
  5. Sea-web Ships
  6. IMDG Code

1 . Equip4Ship

Password protected database. Please send your login and password request from your university email address to:
We invite you to use the online catalogue of marine equipment with a CRM system and an active user interface.

2. Findaport

Password protected database. Please send your login and password request from your university email address to:
Welcome to the new maritime portal, giving users access to information on more than 9,000 ports, harbours and terminals worldwide.

Search possible using:
- port and country names,
- cargo type,
- available services and facilities,
- or proximity and size of dry docks.

3. IMO-Vega Database

Password protected database. Please send your login and password request from your university email address to:
Full text database comprising:
- conventions,
- codes,
- resolutions established by the International Maritime Organisation.

Details of the structure, operation and documents adopted by the IMO are available on the Organisation's website.

4. Morski Wortal (Maritime Vertical Portal)

Password protected database. Please send your login and password request from your university email address to:
Professional Internet platform composed of a collection of data on Polish ports and fishing harbours along with maps and port regulations, shipping and shipbuilding industry.

It also contains contact details of about 3000 companies related to the maritime economy.

5. Sea-web Ships

Password protected database. Please send your login and password request from your university email address to:
Sea-web Ships - contains a wide range of information on the world's maritime vessels.

It provides users with detailed data on more than:
- 200,000 ships,
- merchant fleet,
- cargo type,
- construction,
- equipment,
- capacity,
- size,
- survey date,
- ship inspection dates, as well as their owners and status.

6. IMDG Code

Accessible only in the Multimedia Reading Room (Room 505) at computer desk 7.

The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code is the IMO's guide to the safe transport of dangerous goods by sea.
Autor: Website Administrator

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