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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-signet of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin - griffin head, anchor elements and PM mark Maritime University of Szczecin

Unia Europejska

Main Library Catalogue

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Users who have not used the services of the Lending Room yet are obliged to register and activate
their account in the Lending Room (room 513B)

(after activate account in the Lending Room)

To log in to your library account:
Student provides login (album number) and password (PESEL number)
A Staff Member provides login (work e-mail) and password (previously used to enter the catalogue)
Other User provides login (card number) and password (previously used to enter the catalogue)
When you log in for the first time, the system will prompt you to change your password.

All functions in the catalogue are available solely after logging in!!!
You can browse the catalogue without logging in, but please note
that a non-logged-in user cannot order, reserve or renew books.

If you have any difficulties logging in, please contact us by email:
or by phone: 914809710

Enter a search term, i.e. author, title, subject or any other word from the bibliographic description.
Additionally, you can select a search index (all fields, author, title or subject).

You can narrow your search results using the filters (facets) which are located on the left-hand side.
For example, if you want to limit your search results to books available from the lending room
use the facets: Item Type - select Book, Department – select "Wypożyczalnia" (Lending Room).

Books can be borrowed or accessed in the reading room.
You can check the availability of a particular copy by clicking the publication title.

If the book is available for lending, click Request. The book will be added to your request cart.
Be sure to confirm request the order from your cart!!!
Orders not sent to us within one day are cancelled automatically.

You will be informed by email when the books are ready for collection.

If the book you are looking for is already on loan, you can reserve it by clicking Reserve.
Once the book is returned to the library, it will appear as Pre-send order tab.
Then you need to send an order for this book as described above.

Publications available only in reading rooms cannot be ordered to borrow.
If you want to access the book in the reading room, please write down the call number (e.g. Cz.000079814/10a),
and in the case of articles, please remember to write down the data from the Search in field, i.e. journal title,
year, issue number and pages.


Multisearch EDS - is a multi-search engine that enables efficient searching of electronic sources from global publishers.
Within the MUS network, the library has access to many database resources including EBSCO, IEEE Xplore, Springer,
Wiley, Knovel, Taylor & Francis and Open Access.

Multisearch EDS provides multiple services including:

- simultaneous search in several online databases in a single query
- filtering and narrowing the results, e.g. to the full texts, peer-reviewed sources,
document types, content providers, publishers, etc.
Autor: Administrator Stron Internetowych

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